under the bridge

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As an infant, you were left under a bridge outside of the entrance to the Trollmarket that was located under Arcadia Oaks. You were swept in white cloth and had a sliver necklace around your neck. Two trolls were on their way out, and found you there on the ground. It was pure luck they didn't step on you. The blue troll picked you up with his four, stone arms and looked at you with all his six, yellow eyes.

 "What is it?" asked the bigger troll, his voice was deep and slow. "I think it's a human fleshbag, but it is quite small. I belive it's a baby!" the blue troll answered. "Why here?" the bigger troll asked. "I don't know, it's not very likely that a grown fleshbag would leave their little one under a bri-" The blue troll stopped in the middle of his sentance and looked up at his friend. "It cannot be," he said in disbelief. "It is," the large one answered, their eyes widened. 

At once, they opened the entrance to Trollmarket back up and started making their way down to Vendel. They ran, but carrying you with much care. "Vendel!" the blue troll yelled as they reached the center of their village. An insanely large crystal in red-orange-yellow that gave life and energy to all trolls in Trollmarket, it was their sun and they called it Heartstone. "Vendel!" the blue troll yelled again as he saw their cheif at his table inside of the Heartstone. "This should be mighty important Blinkus," the old troll replied. "It has begun," the blue troll informed and the old troll's eyes widened. "Really? Give me the child Blinkus!" he commanded as he stood up from the table.

The blue troll gave you to the old troll carefully. He held you in his arms as he studied your face. After a while, he looked for your necklace. "It is her," he declared, leaving the two other trolls speachless. "This is the start of the prophecy my dear trolls. History is in the making."

The very same day, a meeting with the Tribunal was held, discussing where you'd grow up and who you would be influenced by to become what the prophesy said you would be. "She will live with the Krubera. We are much better in combat skills and will teach her well," a grey-blue woman-troll stated. Her name was Usurna. "No she will not," Vendel protested. "Excuse me?" Usurna replied in a nasty tone. "You Krubera live way too far underground and the lack of sunlight is horrendous. She would die of lack of sunlight, vitamins, and possibly hypothermia, before she would turn three years old!" Vendel stated and put Usurna at a loss for words. 

After a little bit of thought from Usurna's side, she agreed. "Fine, she will stay here," she gave in bitterly. "But I am keeping an eye on you Vendel," she threathened. "Keep as many eyes as you want on me, Usurna. I will raise this child to fulfill the prophesy," he promised.

After that very moment, the old troll named Vendel, took you into his care and raised you as if you were his very own. Blinkus, also known as Blinky, was in charge of teaching you everything you needed to know and the big troll, AAARRRGGHH, was in charge of your combat training (which was almost always accompanied by Blinky). 

In order for you to grow up as a healthy child, the trolls wore disguises and went up to Arcadia at night to buy the essentials such as vitamin pills, real food that humans eat, clothes, furniture, utensils and such. They payed in crystals for a while, until they realized that they were worth much more then they thought, so in some way, they managed to exchange them into real money. You weren't allowed to go outside of Trollmarket because Vendel meant that Heartstone would provide you with all the sunlight you needed. And it surely did; you grew up healthy and not that pale, to everyone's surprise.

Vendel enjoyed watching you grow up and felt proud of all your accomplishments. Yet, he felt a nagging feeling growing as the years passed by because the only reason you were there was to fulfill the prophesy, and the bitter end would someday come. 

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