waka chaka

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"Y/n!" your father called to you as you passed his office near Heartstone. "Yes father?" You stopped mid-walk. "How is school going?" he asked, having difficulties pronouncing the word 'school'. "It's going well! Not anything I haven't red yet before though," you replied in a soft smile and a shrug. Vendel smiled back, and for a moment, you just stood like this, smiling at eachother. 

"Oh!" he excalimed. "I was going to ask you how the Trollhunter is doing? Will he be ready for the battle with Draal anytime soon?" "It's going well! He'll need some more time though. He'd just a fleshbag afterall," you chuckled, but Vendel didn't respond in the same tone. "I'm sorry about being negative towards the hunter," he said. "I didn't mean to use 'fleshbag' as something negative." "It's ok father," you replied, shrugging it off. "Nothing I haven't heart before." "Ah, very well," he replied. "See you later!" "Goodbye."


In the dark, the three of your were riding your bikes, you and Toby following after Jim. Yours was a yellow one that Bagdwella'd had in her shop for years. Most of the trolls thought it was useless, and no one wanted it, making it easy to trade two CD's for it.

"Shouldn't we be telling Blinky and AAARRRGGHH?" Toby asked, him and you behind Jim. He led the way, for he was the most skilled at bike-riding, and he held the phone. "By the time we get down to Trollmarket, the Chubby Tracker battery could be dead, and then we'll never find the goblin den," Jim replied, rounding a corner. "Besides, we're just gonna scope it out and then report back. Easy."

"I never know riding bicycles was so much fun," you smiled, having to hands on the steer as Toby struggled to keep himself on his own bicycle as he passed a line of bumps in the road.

Your ride came to a stop in front of the museum your class had visited earlier. "Hey, look! It's the museum!" Toby whispered, pointing to a bunch of goblins climbing the roof of it. "I knew it. Something is up in there," you said, frowning. "Let's go tell the others," Jim said. "Get down!" Toby gasped, tackling you and Jim into the nearest bush.

At the front entrance of the museum, a woman with black hair and magenta clothing stepped up the staircase, headed for the door. "It's the museum lady," Jim said. "Nomura," you corrected. "She has no idea it's infested," Toby gasped before all of you ducked back down behind the lush bush. "At any moment, they could strike! Or worse.. lay eggs in her ears," Toby exclaimed in a strained whisper. "I don't think goblins do that," Jim replied. "Do they?" he asked, turning to you. "Not that I know of," you shrugged.

"Anyway, we need to get her out of there immediately," Jim decided. "Good idea, but cover your ears," Toby insisted, covering his ears as you moved on to the front entrance of the museum. You reached the entrance doors, peeking in through the windows. The inside was coated in darkness, but not so much that you couldn't see what was inside.

"Come on, open up," Jim strained, tugging at the metal handles of the doors. "Hello? Hello?" he kept trying as Toby continued peeking in, still covering his ears. "Where'd she go? Why isn't she answering?" Jim asked, frustrated. "Do you really think she'd open the museum doors for a couple of teenagers? She probably has some late-night work to do," you said, moving away from the door. "Or maybe she's already dead, guys," Toby hissed in fear. "Or she can't hear us because she already has eggs in her ears!" he went on as Jim resumed tugging at the doors.

"We've gotta get in there," Jim said, giving up on the doors and instead running around to building to look for other ways in. "What? Talk louder Jim," Toby replied as him and you begun following the Trollhunter.

Finally, Jim found a window to sneak in by, and luckily, it was unlocked. Jim slid open the window. "Somebody is getting fired for that," you said. "This is breaking and entering," Toby pushed. "No, it's- it's breaking and rescuing," Jim corrected his friend, trying his best to sound convincing. "Relax, we're just gonna get her out of there, and then let Blinky and AAARRRGGHH handle the rest," he assured his friend. "Is this really what teenagers do in Arcadia?" you asked, looking confused at both boys. "We do worse down in Trollmarket, oh my gosh," you muttered as you approached the outer frame of the window before grabbing it and lifting yourself up. "Seriously, who's in charge of the security around here?"

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