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The next day at school, Jim was for some reason, not there. It was Spanish class and time for his presentation. Toby was late too. What was going on? You sat down at your assigned seat, which was unfortunately next to Steve. "Where is Lake?" he asked mockingly. "I don't know. Now shush," you replied. "He's so gonna fail this cla-" Steve began, but you shushed him down. "Sshhh," you said, closing your hand in front of his face to signal that it was time for him to shut the fuck up.

Señor Uhl looked around the room, his eyes were clearly searching for Jim. "Is mr. Lake not here today?" he asked sort of ironically. "Typical Lake," Steve mumbled under his breath. "I guess, I'll have to fail him on his presentation," Uhl concluded. "No no!" Toby said as he barged in through the door with a laptop in his hands. "Jim will do his presentation viritually! He's.. sick!" Toby explained as you sighed of relief. Toby opened the laptop that was already on FaceTime with Jim. Had he redecorated his room? It looked so different than usual, and the couch looked like it was made out of.. plastic?

"Hola," Jim said with a smile. "You're sick, mr. Lake?" Señor Uhl asked. You looked over at Toby in confusion. "What's going on?" you mimed. "I'll tell you later," Toby also mimed in reply. Jim started his presentation, but as he went on, things got weird. He seemed distressed, nervous and very scared. "Are you ok mr. Lake?" Uhl asked. "Yes, just some technical issues over here," Jim replied, but you had a feeling it was more than that. And your suspicions were confirmed when a gnome got in frame and started attacking Jim! It was the same gnome from yesterday! You gasped. "Need a hug og comfort?" Steve suggested smugly. "Shut your face Steve," you replied, not taking your eyes off Jim and the gnome. Jim finally got the gnome off himself and put of frame. "And that's it for my precentation!" Jim finished. "Very well Mr Lake," Uhl replied.

But now there was another problem. "Oh no," Jim said as he looked down at his hand and you ghasped once more, realizing that he was about to become his orgiginal size. "It's happening!!" he exclaimed as his right eye started to grow larger than the other. Toby quickly turned the laptop back to face him again with a nervous laughter and disconnected the call.


Jim arrived at school and you and Toby rushed over to him. "Jim! You're normal again! This is great!" Toby said and hugged Jim. "Yes, that was.. traumatic," Jim replied. "What was the thing with the gnome? Weren't you guys supposed to finish it?" you asked. "Yeah, neither of us could bring ourselves to do it," Toby replied. You were going to say something, but you were interrupted by Steve's irritating voice. 

"What's the matter with you, Flake Jr. Did you have a seizure during your presentation?" Steve asked mockingly with his two bully friends resting on a couple of lockers behind him. They snickered at his question. Jim wanted to say something, but before he could, you said something first. "You wanna go, asshole?" you asked angrily, rolling up your sleeves. Steve laughed in disbelief. "You think you could beat me up, princess?" he scoffed. You gagged. "Ok, firstly, don't call me that. Secondly, who do you think you are?" you asked as you started to walk closer to him. "Y/n-" Toby tried as other students started gathering around to watch. "I'm the future king of Arcadia, Steve Palchuk!" he replied proudly. You almost gagged again. "Sorry, but that's the cringiest thing I've ever heard in my whole life," you replied.

You got closer to Steve with a firm look in your eyes, intimidating him as you stared him down. "What are you doing?" he asked. You didn't reply. "No, seriously, what are you doing?" Steve chuckled nervously. Once again, you stayed silent. It was working. "What is she doing?" someone said. "Are they not gonna fight?" someone else asked. "What is going on?" After some seconds of just staring him dead in the eyes, he backed up. "Whatever! Later assholes!" Steve said as he blew a raspberry and ran back to his loser friends, leaving you with a satisfied look on your face. You turned around and walked back to Toby and Jim. "Wanna go?" you asked, as if nothing had happened. "Yeah, sure," Jim replied.


"What was that? How did you intimidate him so fast??" Toby asked, ecstaticly. "I've seen Draal do it with some other trolls that tried to pick on me when I was little. I think it's like this trollish instinct to protect what you love and care about," you replied, not realizing your confession before after you had said it. "So you just went troll mode on Steve?? Awesomesauce!" Toby singsonged. "Yeah, I guess I did," you laughed. Jim gave you a sweet look that you didn't know how to reply to, so you just tucked your hair behind your ear and looked at the ground. What is this gross feeling?-

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