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It was gym class at school, only hours after the events between Eli and Toby's houses. "Dodge this, Lake!" Steve mocked in a lisp as he shot a red ball at Jim. He rolled to the ground, dodging it and another one that came flying at him, sent from one of Steve's douchebag friends. There were two teams in this game; you, Jim, Toby and Eli on one and Steve and a couple of other assholes on the other. 

"Hey, come on! You gonna get your head in the game, Tobes, or do I have to do this all by myself?" Jim asked Tobias, who was just standing there with a red ball in his hands, looking bored. "You don't think women can throw a decent ball?" you asked as you launched your red ball at some guy on the opposite side. He groaned and left the court.

"Why bother taking another step?" Toby boomed. "My Chubby Tracker's gone." He thre his ball away, not even aiming for someone. "Life's so empty when you're not racking up points," Toby whined as you dodged a couple of flying balls. "It doesn't sound like the tracker's the problem here, Tobias," you replied. "Well, I thought you'd be more concerned about the goblins coming to kill us," Jim whispered the last couple of words. "Oh yeah, you're right," Toby whined, Jim's words only making him feel worse.

Steve grunted as he launched two balls at Jim after winking at you. Jim dodged them easily, making Steve furious. One of his douchebag friends came up to him and gave him another two to throw. He didn't even try to aim at anyone else besides Jim. Not even Toby, whom stood still as a rock.

Coach Lawrence stood with his arms crossed as he supervised the match. Jim kept manouvering his way to dodge every single ball Steve launched at him, making Steve growl in anger. 

"At least your training is paying off," Toby sulked before he finally got hit in both his stomach and chin. "Man down," he groaned before another one landed staight into his crotch. "My gronk-nuks!" he groaned in a high-pitched voice as he fell to the floor in pain. "In your face! You're out, Domzalski!" he smiled victoriously before he caught yet another ball and sent it flying at you. Distracted, you were shot and joined Toby at the bleachers. "Sorry, princess," Steve smirked, winking at you.

You watched as Steve shot poor Eli right in the face, but gave Jim two balls to shoot at both of Steve's friends. Considering it was a face-hit, Eli was still in the game, and him and Jim high-fived as Steve's friends exited the court. "I'll go get some water, my bottle is right over there," you said to Toby as you headed over to a door behind Steve.

"Pretty good, Lake, but not good enough to impress your little lady over there. I bet she would much rather bang someone like me," Steve insulted with a round of sarcastic slow clapping. He turned to see you bending over to pick up your bottle of water and whistled. "Leave her out of this," Jim replied sternly. "Don't let him get to you-" Toby begun as he stood up from the bleachers, but was shot down by another red ball. "Ow! Seriously?"

"Pucker up, Steve, and bang this!" Jim said as he picked up a ball and sent it flying towards Steve's head. Of course, you heard their conversation, and once you were finished with your water, you turned around to see what was going on. Steve ducked. "No!" you heard Jim yell. "Oh, snap!" Toby said, Coach Lawrence's eyes widening. "What are you guys fighting over no-" you begun, but before you could finished your sentance, the red ball hit you right in the face, making you drop to the ground. A whistle blew and soon Coach, Steve, Toby and Jim gathered around you.

"Ooh, headshot! Shake it off kid!" Coach said as Steve grabbed your arm, helping you up from the floor. Pain spread through your face, starting from your bleeding nose. "Are you ok? I didn't mean to-" Jim begun. "See what you did, Lake? She's bleeding," Steve interrupted him. "I'm fine, thank you," you replied, ripping your arm from Steve's grip. "It's just a little bit of blood," you said, wiping your nose with your hand.

Suddenly, Mary and Darci came running to you from the bleachers. "Oh my god, Y/n!" Mary exclaimed. "Come, let's get you to the locker room," Darci rushed, both girls grabbing you by the hands. "Uh, I guess class is dismissed," Coach Lawrence said, not wanting to deal with a bleeding kid. As the girls kept blabbering as they took you away, you heard Jim and Toby mumbling something behind you and then Steve's loud voice. "That is not how you treat women, Lake. You're looking like a future wife-beater right now."


"So she bled a little, and her lips are kind of swollen. People pay good money for that sort of look. Well, except the bleeding part. She should thank you!" Toby said, packing his bag to leave the boy's locker rooms. "And just when I think we have some chemistry," Jim sighed, grabbing his bag from his red locker. "Why am I so unlucky?" he groaned, closing the locker. "Hey, we're red-blooded teenagers," Toby said, trying his best to lift Jim's spirit. "We're powerless to that sort of thing." "Except for me, though. I've got it all figured out," he added, cheekily before his phone begun vibrating. 

"Woah!" he exclaimed as he saw what was on the screen. "I earned a windbreaker!" he happily announced, showing Jim the display on his phone. "Toby, do you know what this means?" Jim gasped. "Yeah. If it's not too warm and not too cold, I have the perfect cover-up!" he singsonged as Jim tapped on some features in the app. "No," he groaned. "A goblin must have the Chubby Tracker on him! We know where they're going. This could lead us straight to their den." Jim showcased the map-feature on Toby's phone, pinpointing to him where it was located at that very moment. "And I'm getting a lot of points," Toby added, smiling.

"Wait, wait, wait," you blurted, you, Jim and Toby standing in front of the school's entrance, the day finally reaching its end. "You're telling me you can see their exact location?" "Yes!" Toby replied as he held his phone towards you, showing you the map feature on the app. "Tobias, you're a genious!" you exclaimed, grabbing the phone to have a closer look. "Well, I wouldn't say genious. More like mastermind-" Toby replied, slightly blushing in pride. "We go on another mission tonight, got it?" you planned seriously, both boys nodding. "Great! I'll see you then!" you smiled before turning to head towards Trollmarket.

Just then, you felt a warm hand on your wrist. You turned your head to see Jim's ocean-blue eyes dig into yours. "Um, hi," he smiled, his look of bravery suddenly fading into shyness. "Hi," you smiled back, looking down at his hand. "I'm sorry about what happened in gym," he apologized. "No, it's ok!" you replied, still smiling. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yeah, it was just a little bit of blood. I've been through worse," you assured him, his hand leaving your wrist. "I didn't know you were so strong, Trollhunter," you chuckled, gently hitting his shoulder. "Draal doesn't stand a chance, right?" he joked in reply.

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