one hit

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"I'll be off now father!" you said to Vendel. "Oh! Before you go!" Vendel stopped you. "I've got a little somthing for you," he said as he held a necklace with a small horngazel pendant on it. "It's beautiful!" you exclaimed with your eyes lit up. "Use it when you need to get home and keep it under your top piece of clothing at all times," Vendel instructed. "I will father, thank you."


You showed up to Aracia Oaks High a little before 8am and spotted Jim and Toby arriving on their vehicles a little after you had arrived. "Good morning!" you said as you walked over to where they were parking their vehicles. "Well aren't you happy?" Jim asked jokingly. "Well, it's my first day up here!" you said excitedly. "Sure is," Toby agreed. "So, what do we do here? Is anything going on?" you asked. "Well, there was a Romeo and Juliet play going on, but it was cancled because of budget problems," Jim said. 

"And how's it going with the Amulet?" you asked in a low tone. "I can't seem to keep it away, so I've given up at this point," Jim replied. "That's good. I know you'll become a great Trollhunter, Jim," you said as you three started walking into the school building. "See, I told you man, she was looking at you again," Toby whispered. "You're seeing things Tobes, leave it be!" Jim replied.


It was time for a small break in between classes for students to get their books and other needed things for learning. Jim and Toby stood by Jim's locker and you were taking a quick stop at the bathroom. 

Jim had his head in the clouds, but was brutally taken back to earth when Steve appeared right in front of him. "Where have you been?" Steve said. "I scheduled your ass-kicking for yesteday, jerk face," he continued. "And you didn't show. Tick-tock, remember?"

You walked out of the bathroom and your eyes met Jim and Toby standing with an oafish blonde boy who didn't exactly look friendly. "He was busy getting his ass kicked by someone else. Take a number," you heard Toby defend as you came up to them. "Back off, dweeb!" the blonde boy said. "What's going on?" you asked. "Oh right, she doesn't know about Steve," Toby said to himself. "Y/n, this is Steve and Steve, this is Y/n," Jim introduced. "Now won't you guys talk for a bit, while I go do something very important," Jim suggested as he tried to walk away, but Steve held him back by his arm. "We'll do that later, now I'm going to kick your ass, Lake," Steve hissed. "You're gonna what?" you asked harshly. 

"Steve, I am not in the mood to do this right now," Jim sighed calmly. "Duh! Nobody is ever in the modd to get their face bashed in, but that's what's gonna happen, unless you wanna back down," Steve said. "Uh. I-I can do that?" asked Jim. "Sure," Steve replied. "You wanna crawl away from me on your knees, bowing in front of everybody?" he suggested as he let out a slight chuckle. "That's a choice."

"Damn, this guy is a real asshole," you whispered to Toby. The students started murmuring as Jim got down and kneeled before Steve. "Woah! I didn't expect you'd actually choose wussing over whooping," Steve announced as loud as he could as he laughed. Jim looked over to you and Toby. "Get your ass up, Jim. One hit," you hissed. Jim thought for a second before he got up from his knees. Steve shoved Jim onto a locker behind him and went after him to punch him in the face. To you and Toby's surprise, Jim was extremely agile and avoided all of Steve's punches. "Keep still so I can punch your face!" Steve commanded. Jim ran back to where they started and kept avoiding Steve's punches, but he eventually landed one punch on Jim's left side and Jim fell to the ground.

He looked at the Amulet in his bag as Steve laughed in triumph. "Stay down and live, worm," Steve spat. "Oh no he didn't," you said angrily as you began to walk towards Steve, but Toby held you back. "Let him do this," he said. After some thinking, Jim clenched his fist and got up from the ground. "Is that all you've got?" he asked. Steve growled angrily as he walked over to Jim to finish him off. "Good thing your mom's a nurse," Steve said as he prepared himself mentally for the glory he thought he'd get after he won the fight. "One hit.." Jim mumbled to himself as he took his clenched fist and uppercutted Steve right in the chin. Steve fell backwards onto the ground and even one of this front teeth fell out. "She's a doctor, actually."

Everyone started cheering for Jim as you and Toby ran over to him. "Dude, you just defeated the school bully! And you did it without kicking him in the gronk-nuks!" Toby exclaimed happily. "I did not expect you to be that agile. Is that one of your chef-skills as well?" you asked as you hit in lightly in the chest as a good-job kind of thing. A proud smile grew onto Jim's face as he took in the sound of cheering.

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