the loss of a warrior

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Nearly sixteen years later..

Sorrow had pierced the heart of all Trollmarket on this early tuesday morning. The great Trollhunter Kanjigar had given his life in order to protect the amulet of Merlin from Bular the Butcher. On days like these, Trollmarket was filled with mourning songs and cries instead of laughter and talking. The news had said that he had fell at 4.37am and those news had woke all Trollmarket.

But the loss of Kanjigar had hit the hardest on his son, Draal. The blue troll was sitting in The Hero's Forge, surrounded by his own thoughts. "Do you want to talk about it?" you asked (in troll) as you came closer to him and put a hand on his rough stone shoulder. "Leave me." he replied shortly. "It's hard losing a loved one," you tried as you sat down next to him in an attempt to be of comfort, but he only looked away. You didn't know what to say, so you just placed your hand on his back and sat there in silence. 

"My father has sacrificed his whole life for the amulet," Draal finally spoke. "And now it will pass onto me," he declaired. You wanted to say something, but didn't dare interrupt his thoughts when he was feeling this way. "I knew this day would come. I have trained my whole life for the honor of bearing The Amulet of Merlin, and now I am ready," he announced as he finally looked at you. "But we don't know for sure that you will be chosen?" you said to him in the nicest and softest way you possibly could to not get on his nerves, but you noticed anger growing in his eyes. "I will be picked. Now leave me be, so I can prepare," he snapped back angrily. You nodded at him, praying that the amulet would pass onto him. You could imagine the rage he would be in if it didn't go to him.

You got up and patted Draal's back one last time before you walked off. You could hear him grunting as he used the Forge to train. Your bare feet met the stone ground as you walked out of the Forge with worries about Draal running circles in your mind. You care so much about him because you were the only one Draal had even been close to, except for his father. And you had become close because there weren't any troll children to play with when you were little and Draal just picked you up someday and you became friends.

You reached Blinky's library where you usually had your classes. He was sitting in at his table, surrounded by books, mumbling to himself; "A hundred years.. sixteen.. Heartstone.." was all you could hear him mumble. You cleared your throat to let him know you were there. He heard you and got up from his chair immidiately. "Y/n hello!" he greeted and AAARRRHHGG came to sight too. "Hello Blinky, hi AAARRRGGHH!" you replied. "What were you mumbling about just now?" you asked Blinky and watched him and AAARRRGGHH exchange nervous looks.

"Why are you here on this very sad day? It is only natural you take the day off," Blinky said, changing the subject. "I don't know," you sighed as you sat down. "I guess I didn't want to be alone in sorrow." "I tried to talk to Draal, but he doesn't wish to speak to anyone at the moment." you dumped. Blinky looked at AAARRRGGHH again and nodded. "Would you like to see the remains of Kanjigar?" Blinky asked. The question made you look up at him with hopeful eyes. "Really?" you asked. "Of course. I know a secret way!" he said. "But I have never been at the surface world before," you said in a low tone in case anyone was listening. "There is a first time for everything, isn't there? AAARRRGGHH will cover for us in case anyone comes to look for you," Blinky said as you both looked to AAARRRGGHH, who gave you a thumbs up. "Ok then, let's go!" you said as you got up from your chair.

Blinky led you through Trollmaket until you found a passage that led to a wall. "The human world is on the other side of this wall?" you asked. "Yes indeed., he answered as he pulled out his Horngazel, a small piece of Heartstone crystal that worked as a key to Trollmarket. Your body was filled with hope as you watched him draw a half-circle with it. The lines he drew, glowed in blue. When he was done drawing, he hit the wall and the inside of the half-circle crumbled away and revealed a dark room.

"Wow, the outside world is darker than I thought," you admitted as you walked into the room. You drew in the air but gagged at the stench that met your nose. "And smellier!" you exclaimed as you held your nose. Blinky laughed at your sillyness. "This isn't where the humans live. This is what they call a sewer," he said. "What does that mean?" you asked, still holding your nose. "A sewer is where the humans throw their soup when they are done eating it," Blinky informed. "It does not taste very well. Humans must not be good at preparing meals for themselves." "But no time for eating, we must go on!" he exclaimed and started walking. You only knew where to follow because his yellow eyes glowed brightly in the darkness.

After walking for not very long, you saw a bright light. "Is that it? There at the end?" you asked. "It sure is," said Blinky. "Come on, let's go faster!" you said as you picked up the pace. "You must be careful when you walk close to it, no humans must see us!" Blinky informed as he tried to keep up. There were bars at the end of the tunnel, so you couldn't fully go out of it. You could see a grey place with a bridge that went from one side to the other. Under it laid the remains of Kanjigar. His body had turned to stone and was in pieces on the ground. You had almost forgot what you came here to see and you felt the sorrow slowly come back. Kanjigar's remains had a blue light coming from it. The amulet was still there.

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