a lot of feelings

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"Oh, praise!" Toby laughed happily as the five of you stepped out of the hall leading from the Forge to the streets of Trollmarket lit up by neon signs and large crystals in purple and orange. "You're alive!" he celebrated, hugging tightly around de-armored Jim, his head on his chest. "Good job Jim," you said, wrapping your around the hunter from the opposite side. "Yes, and I'm sore too. Ease up guys," he chuckled. "Just one more minute," Toby softly replied as you chuckled into Jim's neck.

"AAARRRGGHH, Blinky.." you heard your father's stern voice come from behind you, "a word," he demanded. You quickly let go of Jim as all five of you turned around, seeing the intimidating figure of Vendel stand at the end of the short hall. Light from the Forge was shining on his back, draping his face in shadow.

With Toby, still hugging Jim tightly, Blinky and AAARRRGGHH exchanged nervous looks before Blinky chuckled and AAARRRGGHH turned to Jim. "Good fight," he smiled, patting Jim's head softly with his enormous hands. "Yes! Very good fight, master Jim. I'll handle Vendel. You get home and rest," Blinky smiled widely as him and AAARRRGGHH backed up to join Vendel for a chat. "Tomorrow, we shall join you for these.. What do you call them? Ah, yes, 'tacos,'" he beamed as he turned around, his back to the three of you. "Mmm, tacos," AAARRRGGHH daydreamt. "Can I come?" you asked, sending your father a pleading look. "No," he replied. "This is grown-up-talk." And with that, the trolls were gone, headed for their meeting.

"You opened the letter," Jim softly spoke. "When I read I was your best friend, it took our relationship to just a whole new level," Toby said, snuggling even closer to Jim, if possible, before letting go of him with one hand, sighing in relief. "Ours too, hunter," you nudged Jim carefully in his side. "You- aha- you read that," Jim chuckled as your arm found it's way around his upper back. "You really thought you were going to die, didn't you?" you laughed. "I hope it wasn't too forward," he replied as his hand slithered its way down to your waist. "Not at all," you smiled. Then, you remembered Toby was there too. Your heads turned to him, his eyes wide in joy and awe, looking at you two. He'd obviously heard that whole conversation. 

"You better get home!" you broke the akward silence, letting go of Jim. "It's getting late, your mother will be worried." "Oh, right!" Jim groaned. "I can't belive I'm managing both these lives at once!" "It'll be only moments until you mess up, Jimbo," Toby joked as the three of you headed towards the blue crystal stairs.

"My muscles are so gonna ache tomorrow," Jim moaned as you reached the stairs. "I'll massage you, Jimbo," Toby replied as he begun the climb up the stairs. "Good job today, hunter. Keep it up," you smiled. Jim nodded softly in reply. You were about to head back into Trollmarket, but you suddenly felt a slender hand around your wrist. You turned your head to see Jim's eyes that effortlessly locked with yours in a split-second. "Thank you for the kiss," he smiled before leaning in to kiss your cheek. You felt a wave of blush spread in your cheeks. "Anytime, hunter," you replied. He begun leaning in, his grip around your wrist weakening. What was he doing? What was happening? The only thing you could think of doing was running away, and that's what you did. "Goodnight!" you said as your bare feet slapped against the warm stone floor.

You ran around a corner and stopped where Jim couldn't see you anymore, trying to calm the heat in your face with your hands. What in Deya's name was he doing? Of course it was a kiss, but where was he aiming? Cheek to lips, you could understand, but lips to lips? What kind of things were humans doing in Arcadia? Now you understood why Vendel wanted to shelter you from that world as long as possible. Vendel. The meeting. You bet you could sneak in.

You snuck into the Forge, your back pressed against the terrecotta walls. You reached the end of the hall and hit between a large cluster of crystals, peeking your head up from it as you looked for the trolls. Your eyes scanned the whole Forge, but they weren't there. No one was there except a couple of gnomes whom ran around the Forge, chasing eachother for fun. If they weren't here, where could they be?

You left the Forge, cramming your mind for any possible solution. Vendel's office? It didn't hurt to try, so that's where you went. Trollmarket was more quiet than it had been in a while. Maybe more trolls than you realized felt sorry for Draal. Nevertheless, Trollmarket was beautiful. It was dark, but lit up by neon signs and crystals. And Heartstone. How beautiful she was, granting life to the entirety of Trollmarket. What would you do without her? 

You reached Vendel's office near Heartstone and hid right by the entrance. "What will we do now? The hier of Kanjigar's honor is gone!" you heard your father yell. "Vendel, I'm sure it will work ou-" Blinky begun. "No Blinkus!" he snapped back, "You know as well as I do that honor isn't easily restored." You closed your eyes and sighed, leaning your head at the wall. "Draal was our strongest warrior, and now I'm wondering wheter he'll ever dare to go into battle again," Vendel went on. You couldn't here more of this. You had to go.

You opened your eyes, the tall, glowing figure of Heartstone capturing your eyes, making you smile. But there was something else too. A blue troll standing by it, one hand on her. Your normally large best friend looked so small next to her.

You left the entrance to your father's office and made your way swiftly over to where Draal was standing. His head was lowered in shame and you swore you could hear silent sniffles coming from him. "Hi there champion," you softly spoke, approaching him carefully. "I am no champion," he answered after some time. "I failed." "It's not your fault," you comforted, placing a gentle hand on him. "Father would be so ashamed," he sniffled. "No, your father would be proud. You did an amazing job today," you replied. Draal finally turned to you, his yellow eyes slightly red. "Do you really think so?" he said, holding back tears. "I know so," you smiled as your hand grazed his hard cheek, wiping away a single tear. "I didn't know trolls could cry," you chuckled. "Shut up, fleshbag," he laughed a reply before pulling you in for a hug. In that very moment, you realized you finally had your best friend back. "I'm glad to have you back, Draal," you smiled.

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