first time

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Three days had gone by since you saw The Amulet choose its new champion. Since then you hadn't done much else other than reading, training or running around around Trollmarket, doing errands such as helping Bagdwella with her shop or gathering clear water from the underground rivers.

Blinky had told Vendel that The Amulet had chosen a new Trollhunter, but he had yet to tell him that it was a human that had been chosen. 

Blinky and AAARRRGGHH had visited James and Tobes two nights in a row and had found out that their names were James Lake Jr and Tobias Domzalski. Blinky told you that James used the nickname Jim, and Tobias used the nickname Toby or Tobes. Blinky told you his plans of bringing Jim and Toby down to Trollmarket tonight and you couldn't wait. This would be the first time you ever talked with humans.

You were sitting at a ledge in Trollmarket, right by a set of stairs close to Heartstone. You were reading a book about the history of trolls. It was an assignment from Blinky and it was the most intersting thing you could do at the moment, apart from waiting for Blinky and AAARRRGGHH to bring the boys with them to Trollmarket. You had waited the whole day and the sun had just gone down.

"What are humans doing here?" you heard a troll yell in the distance. "Fleshbags!" another one spoke. Your eyes lit up and you closed your book at once and started making your way towards the yelling. You could see a cluster of trolls standing by Blinky and AAARRRGGHH and the two human boys.

"They are friends, there is so need to be afraid! He is the Trollhu-" Blinky tried, but was cut off by Draals angry voice. "What is this!?" he yelled. "I was just getting to that, Draal," Blinky replied as he backed away from the angry troll. "Who are these fleshbags?" Draal demanded to know as he got extremely close to Jim's face and made angry expressions to intimidate him. "Belive it or not, he is.. how do I put this? Our new Trollhunter!" said Blinky, trying to sound positive. Everyone gasped at the news. "He can't be the Trollhunter! He is not a troll!" Draal yelled and hit the ground.

You made your way through the cluster of trolls just in time to see Draal smash his fists into the ground. "Amulet chose," grunted AAARRRGGHH, standing over Jim, protecting him. Draal growled at him, but AAARRRGGHH was unwavering. "Destiny has-" Blinky tried again. "Show him Jimbo!" Toby interrupted. "For the power of Merlin-" Jim began. "Glory!" Blinky reminded. "Oh right, sorry." Jim answered before he tried again; "For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command." 

And with that, Jim transformed and the armour fit itself onto him. "Holy shit," you mumbled which made everyone turn to you. "There you are Y/n!" Blinky greeted as you walked closer to Jim. "Y/n?" Jim asked confused. "Y/n, master Jim, master Jim, Y/n. We'll do the rest of the formalities later," said Blinky and turned back to Draal who looked more than furious. You heard smalltalk between the trolls and then a small tumph from a troll fainting. "Bushigal! When my father died, the Amulet should have gone to me!" Draal yelled angrily. "I am Draal, son of Kanjigar and the Amulet's rightful heir!"

"You're his son??" Jim asked speachlessly. "He's his son??" he asked as he turned to look at Blinky. "Yeah, I can see how this could be a problem," Toby said. "He has been furious for days," you said, arms crossed. "When my father fell, the honor should have passed to me!" he claimed and tried to rip the Amulet off Jim's chest, but there was a blue light that sent Drall to the ground and Jim into AAARRRGGHH's hands. "Amulet chose," AAARRRGGHH repeated, now with an irritated note in his voice. "We will see what Vendel has to say about this!" Draal said angrily. "Feel free to inform him. In the meantime, much Trollhunter-buisness must be done. Wonderful to see you, as always, Draal," Blinky said as he, AAARRRGGHH, Toby and Jim walked away and left Draal furious. "I'm sorry," you said before you walked away with them too.

You were walking in front of Jim, Toby and Blinky, talking with AAARRRGGHH as you were on your way to The Hero's Forge. "So she's Vendel's kid?" Jim asked. "Adopted, yes," Blinky answered. "How did you stumble upon a human like that?" Toby asked. "She was left outside of one of Trollmarket's entrance almost at the same place you found the Amulet," Blinky said. "I guess Vendel saw something in her and took her in," Blinky excused. He didn't tell the whole story, he told the story everyone had told you. "She has been excited to meet you ever since she saw you in the canals a couple of days ago," Blinky said. "She has?" Jim asked. "Yes, she has never seen or spoken to other humans her whole life," Blinky replied. "She has lived down here her whole life?" Jim asked.

You turned around. "Soon sixteen years," you smiled, letting them know you had heard the whole conversation. "So, you've never been to Arcadia?" Toby asked. "Never. The first time I saw it was when the Amulet chose you." "We have to take you up there then!" Toby exclaimed. "I would love to, but father probably won't give me permission," you said. "But you'll be with the Trollhunter! He will have to let you go then!" Toby insisted. A smile grew on your face. "I'll try to talk him into it."

"At last! The Hero's Forge!" Blinky announced as you reached The Forge.

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