goblin mania

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"Voila," Toby said, all five of you staring down at the smushed corpse of a green goblin. "Not voila. Goblin," AAARRRGGHH grunted as Jim poked it with a stick. "Goblin?" Jim questioned. "Ruthless tricksters," Blinky replied worriedly. "Petty street vandals who leave a wake of destruction," he explained. "Fucking hate those things," you muttered. "This is not good," Blinky mumbled.

"Well, justice was served," Jim concluded as he threw his goblin-infected stick away. "We should go back and train fro Draal." "Oh no, master Jim. Where there is one, there is many," Blinky stopped him. "And, and for the unfortunate sould who ran over this small fellow, may Skaargen's swift blade have mercy!" he prayed as he spat on his pair of upper hands, rubbed them together and looked up in the sky. "And why is that?" Jim asked, Toby getting sidetracked. "Naturally, goblin payback is ten-fold," Blinky explained. "Are you saying that whoever ran this guy over is in serious trouble?" Jim asked. "Yes," you shot in. "When a goblin is killed, the other goblins will hunt the killed down and rip them to shreds."

"A delivery truck driver left a sticky-note on Eli's house!" Toby gasped. "Wait for it," he begun. "The goblin might have gotten squashed by the delivery truck!" Toby conspired, displaying the sticky-note. "Hey, let me see that," Jim said as he grabbed the note. "If the driver's returning at eight, we need to be here to," he said. "Are you out of your mind?" you asked Jim, nervous on his behalf. "I'm not gonna let some poor guy become goblin chow on my watch," he said. "Master Jim, answering the call!" Blinky exclaimed happily. "So cool. Stakeout!" Toby jumped excitedly. "Past my curfew!"

"It's already nine o'clock. Ugh," Blinky groaned. Him, Jim and you were hiding in a bush straight across from Eli's house. "It appears the only things being delivered is failed expectations," he declaired. "I knew this was a bad idea," I whined, wanting to go home. "At least, no sign of goblins," Jim said, trying to be positive, giving his pair of binoculars to Blinky. "Hey, Tobes, all clear. How's it going over there?" he asked into a walkie-talkie.

"All good in the hood, Trollhunter, except I can't stop moving," Toby's voice spoke from the walkie as Blinky tried to find a suitable position to look through the binoculars. "My love for stakeouts is being ruined by my overwhelming need to obtain swag," he huffed, you frowned in confusion. "Other than that, nothing unusual. War Hammer out," he finished. You and Jim's eyes met, both sharing the same fondness over Tobias. "War Hammer to Trollhunter," Toby's voice chimed in. "The package has arrived!" You turned to see a delivery-truck approach.

A large, white truck with the sign 'WSP' written on it, golden wings emerging from a cardboard box, it's logo. A delivery-guy with headphones and a cap exited the car and made his way to the back of the truck. He hummed as he opened the car door and got out a wooden box. It fell, he kicked it and it made a loud shatter-noise. "Poor Eli," you said, sorry for the ruined package he was about to get. "Let's get that guy out of there before it's too late," Jim whispered. "Wait! His fate may already be sealed," Blinky breathed in horror as he looked through the binoculars. "They're here." You gasped as one streetlight went out before the other. 

"No, I'm not gonna let an innocent person-" Jim began, watching the goblins gather in the street. "Great trouble! There appears to be far more than I had anticipated," Blinky said, holding Jim back, pushing him back into the bush. "Stay down, and don't make a sound," he commanded over the walkie-talkie. "In their frenzied state, they'll attack any in their path." You were going to do as he said and keep yourself to the ground, but your curiosity got the best of you, and you peeked over the bush. "That's a whole colony," you gasped in terror as I sat back down.

The delivery-guy approached the door, humming. As he rang the bell, he clumsily dropped the wooden box once more and it hit the ground with a loud shatter of glass. The door slid open to reveal Eli's face lighting up at the sigh of his package. "Yes! My spy gear has arrived!" he exclaimed as he took the box from the man. He rumbled to box and more shattering was heard, this only made his even happier. "Unassembled!" The delivery-guy said something to Eli before walking straight into his house, headed for the bathroom.

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