watch me

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"He might be right. What the fuck was I thinking?" Jim asked himself as he walked up the stairs that led to the crystal stairs of Trollmarket. "An amulet can't choose anyone. It's an amulet," Jim said as he reached the blue, crystal stairs that led up to one of Trollmarkets exits. "Jim?" AAARRRGGHH asked with sad eyes. Blinky stood there with a sad and disappointed expression on his face. 

"I undertsand you're upset, master Jim, but you've had not a moment's training," Blinky said. "Yeah, it was so low of Draal to spar with you just like that, knowing that you had never trained to be a Trollhunter before and he trained his whole life," you added. "There is no shame in what just transpired," Blinky continued. "Okay. Well, then you were definitely not paying attention back there," Jim replied angrily. "Shame was about the only thing that transpired," he continued. "Shame.. and realization," he said as he took the Amulet out of his pocket. "I don't know if Draal should be the Trollhunter or not, and I don't care," he said. "I just know that I am not," he finished as he trew the Amulet to Blinky and started walking up the blue crystal stairs.

"Master Jim, despite whatever doubts you may have about the Amulet's choice, it is now bonded to you," he explained as The Amulet flew back up towards Jim. "This is a mantle you cannot refuse," Blinkus said as Jim caught the Amulet. Jim dropped the Amulet once again with a determinde look in his eyes. "Watch me," was the last thing he said before he started walking up the stairs again. Toby hurried after him as fast as his legs could take him to keep up.


"Do you still intend on going to 'school' with that loser fleshbag of yours?" Draal asked as he sat down next to you at a table with a large pint of beer in his hand. "Yes," you replied shortly and kept focusing on reading your book. Draal scoffed. "Did you not see me absolutely demolish and humiliate that fleshbag in the arena?" he asked proudly. "What you did was low and not something the Draal I know would do," you replied as you closed your book and made eyecontact with him. "I am so sorry about your father's passing and that the precious Amulet didn't go to you, but you need to let go of the grudge you carry. It will get you nowhere, I promise," you said as you got up from the table. "Good night Draal," you concluded before you walked away to your room.

As you went to sleep that night, you could vaguely hear Draal sing his mourning song. "Far beyond, you float in time. Your soul rests within the Heartstone and in mine. From far beyond, I fall from where you stand, and we are seperated once again. When you and I shall reuinte, my heart will be whole, but it is not tonight," his deep voice echoed from the Hero's Forge and through all of Trollmarket. It was quite common for the fallen troll's closest to sing a mourning song, in ancient trollish, to honor them for all of Trollmarket to hear. And, sadly, it was Draal's turn. A single teardrop fell down your face as you feel asleep, listening to Draal's singing.

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