mr strickler

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Steve had gone home because of his tooth situation and history class was now in session. You sat in between Jim and Toby as you watched your teacher teach. Jim had told you his name was Mr Strickler. You found it strange how he always carried a pen with him and fondled with it while he spoke. You took notes and doodled small drawings on the side of your paper as Mr Strickler teached about old Rome.

"Now, can anyone tell me what the Caesar Box is?" mr Strickler asked as he took of the cap of his pen and put it back on again. You raised your hand. "Yes?" he said as he pointed his pen at you. "The Caesar Box, also known as the Caesar Cipher, is one of the earliest ciphers known to man-kind. It was developed around 100 BC and it was used by Julius Caesar to send secret messages to his generals in the field. He chose a different number to move the alphabet each time. Only him and the general he sent notes to knew this number, so only they could decipher it. And if one of his messengers got captured by the opponent, they could not read them or make the messenger decipher it," you explained.

"Impressive," Mr Strickler praised, leaving you with a smug smile on your face. "How did you know all that? He haven't even taught us that yet!" Toby whispered frantically. "What do you think I do down in Trollmarket all the time?" you breathed back. 

The bell rang and class was finished. "Remember to do the homework assignments I gave you, they should be done by next week!" Mr Strickler said as the students walked out of the classroom. "Wait, miss L/n," Mr Strickler said behind you and you stopped and turned around. "Yes Mr Strickler?" you replied. Mr Stricklers eyes traveled down from your face to the bright orange Heartstone necklace, now over your shirt, his eyes widened. You looked down and quickly put it back under your shirt.

"Great work in class today," he complimented as he looked back up at your face, clearly disturbed by the necklace. It was obvious that his words fell out of his mouth. "Thank you," you replied as you turned around to leave in a hurry.


"There is something off about that Strickler guy," you thought out loud. School was over and you, Toby and Jim were on your way home to Jim's house. "Why do you think that?" Toby asked. "Because he saw the horngazel necklace I got from father early today and his eyes widened as if he realized something." "He's been acting a little strange ever since the day we found the amulet," Jim added in agreement. 

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