the promise

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"I'm home father!" you announced. "How was your first day?" Vendel asked. "It was amazing! I learned so much about things I never knew existed!" you said excitedly. "Very good," Vendel smiled. "I have been giving some thought to the matter and have come the conclution that you can go to the upside world whenever you'd like," Vendel spoke and joy filled your whole body once again. It felt like you were going to explode right there. "Oh thank you father!" you squealed as you hugged him while happy tears rolled down your cheeks. "Now go tell Blinky and AAARRRGGHH about your day, they have been so axious to hear all about it," he said as you pulled away from the hug.


"It was an epic pummeling!" you heard Draal brag to a couple of other trolls as you walked into the brewery. "I was going to kill him, but I just couldn't make up my mind as to how!" he laughed proudly as he took a large pint of beer from a smaller troll who was serving them. The brewery was lit up with christmas lights some trolls had stolen from some humans last winter. Many trolls were there. Some to relax, some to have a couple laughs and some like Draal. "Trollhunter," he scoffed. "I mean, 'trollhunted' is more like it," he mocked as he looked back to Blinky and AAARRRGGHH who sat at their own table behind him. You rolled your eyes as you sat down next to AAARRRGGHH, who was sipping his beer from a blue straw and glaring at Draal.

"If only master Jim had landed one single hit," said Blinky. "Single hit," AAARRRGGHH repeated. "And he would have been changed forever!" Blinky continued. "No Blink, you should have seen him today! He uppercutted the school bully so hard that he fell to the ground! All the students cheered for him! The bully even lost a tooth!" you said. "Really?" Blinky asked surprised. "Yes! He was s-" you began, but was cut of by Draal's loud gloating.

"Over and over and over. It was incredible!" Draal said as he punched the table, imitating him punching Jim. "All I want is the chance to wail on that fleshbag again," Draal finished before he lifted his cup to take a sip. But before the cup could reach his lips, Jim pushed it down to the table again so it spilled. "Wish granted, loudmouth. Rematch," Jim declaired. "You. Me. Name the time, name the place, and I'll be there." he promised. "We both will!" Toby added as he stepped beside him. AAARRRGGHH and Blinky's mouths were widen open and your's had a smug smile on it. "Changed forever," AAARRRGGHH moped as you walked over to Jim and Toby. "Make that three," you added and looked Draal right in his yellow eyes. Draal growled at Jim and stood up from his chair, keeping eye contact with him. Jim looked back at him with no sign of regret or fear.


"How could you be taking that flesbag's side?" Draal yelled after you. It was now a little later and the boys had gone home. "You do realize that I'm a fleshbag too, right?" you yelled back at him as you turned around. You met his angry eyes. "I almost can't even recognize you," you said sharply. "What do you mean by that?" Draal growled. "Your eyes are as if they are covered by a shawl of hate," you spoke. "That doesn't make sense!" Draal replied. "You have to let go!" you said as you walked a couple of steps further down the stairs, getting closer to him. "No!" Draal yelled in reply. "This is not what your father would have wanted!" you yelled back with angry tears in your eyes. "My father is dead!" he yelled.

A deadly silence filled the air. You wanted to say something more, but you didn't manage to speak, tears gathering in your eyes, blurring your vision. Draal's eyes widened at what he had just said out loud for the first time. You turned around and walked up the stairs to your room, letting the tears run down your cheeks.

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