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"Are you certain?" Blinky asked. "Are you unquestionably, unequivocally-" "I'm certain," Jim interrupted Blinky's big words. Jim and Toby had turned up at Trollmarket and the five of you had gathered in the local tavern, looking at the blurry picture Tobias had taken. "Could be anything," AAARRRGGHH grumbled. "I concur," Blinky said. 

"Tobias' photographic skills are less than exemplary," he muttered. "Okay, it's a little blurry! You try taking a picture while hauling butt, mister!" Toby defended himself. "Okay, well, what about the curator? How could a person just change like that?" Jim asked. Blinky and AAARRRGGHH begun muttering about in trollish as you rolled your eyes. "I've told you about a million times! She's a changeling!" you exclaimed in a hiss, making Blinky spit out his drink in shock.

"You told them already?" Blinky hissed. "He's the Trollhunter, he has to know!" you replied. "What's the matter with changelings?" Toby asked. Blinky signaled for everyone to lean in. "Changelings haven't been talked about in quite some time," he whispered, but stopped as he noticed a buff troll stopping behind him to listen. "Do you mind?" he turned to the troll. "Whatever," the troll grumled before pretending to be minding his own buisness, walking away. Blinky side eyed him before turning back to the table.

"In the Old World, Gumm-Gumms-" The troll stopped by AAARRRGGHH this time. Blinky gave him a stern look with all six of his eyes. "Fine," the troll stubbornly said as he walked off. "..stole our young and did something unnatural to change them," he continued telling. You listened intently along with the boys, even though you'd heard the story a million times before. "Their sole purpose: to spy on the world above," he revealed. 

"What did they do to them?" Toby asked. "Nasty buisness. Very messy," AAARRRGGHH replied. "They stole teenage boys and ripped all their teeth out for the baby changelings to snack on!" you lied and slammed your palms into the table, making both boys jump in their seats. "Funny," Blinky rolled his eyes at you.

"There are the very reasons I doubt your certaintly," he dismissed your joke, taking him and Jim away from the table to speak in privacy. AAARRRGGHH, Toby and you were left at the table. "I don't question you saw a bridge, but Killahead?" Blinky's fain voice spoke. The two kept walking and talking about Killahead. "I know what I saw!" Jim's voice spoke in the distance as they rounded a corner. 

"Why didn't they take me with them on their little chat. I told him about the changeling," you muttered sourly. "Hello, best-friend reservation," Toby said, pointing to himself. "I should be with them too." "Fuck it," you said, getting up from the table and following the two. "Hey, wait up!" Toby said, darting after you. The hunter and the troll had walked immensably slow, so they were easily caught up with by a set of stairs. "Without proof, absolute bedlam will ensue," Blinky whispered. "Well, we have to tell someone. This is our city, too," Toby shot in as the two of you walked up the stairs as well. "Who? Our court-appointed psychiatrist? They're never going to belive us," Jim retorted.

Just then, Draal appeared, coming down from another set of stairs just in front of you. "Well, if it isn't the piece of flesh I'll pound into pancakes tomorrow," he mocked as he approached Jim. "I look forward to your pain and I'll drink to your death." "Leave it, Draal," you sighed. "Death?" Jim turned to Blinky. "What is he talking about? I thought this was only a rematch!" "To challenge a troll's honor can only end in ruin," Blinky told as AAARRRGGHH approached as well. "It's all right there in chapter three of A Brief Recapi- You still haven't read the book." 

"Now, hold on," Jim dismissed Blinky's urge to talk about his book. "This figh, I don't know, maybe we can, um.. postpone it?" he tried to bargain. "Postpone, you say? What a trainer!" Draal chuckled loudly, mocking Blinky. "Does everyone in your company forget how to fight?" he towered himself above everyone. Even AAARRRGGHH's strong figure, making him growl angrily. "What's wrong with you?" you pushed Draal's upper body, but he barely moved. "Look who's trying to talk now," he sneered, looking down at you. "Tired of ignoring your best friend?" You didn't get to reply, for Jim kept talking.

"There are things that have been brought to our attention. Things that have serious implications," he said. "No, no, no, mater Jim! Shh!" Blinky paniced. "By Kanjigar's honor, I would have made your death swift and painless," Draal leaned closer to Jim's ear, "but, for that act of cowardice, I will show you no mercy wen I take back what's rightfully mine," he growled, meaning both the amulet and.. you. With this, he stormed off past you and into the tavern. "Bid farewell to your loved ones, Jim 'the Dead Meat.'" he grunted one last time before disappearing. "I'm gonna die tomorrow," Jim groaned softly as you and Toby placed one hand on each of his shoulders for comfort. All three of you sighed.


"What was I to do? The boy turned them on me," Nomura tried to defend herself as she and Strickler entered the dark museum with no source of light except for the streaks of moonlight entering through the windows. "The goblins were supposed to hide our tracks, not lead them to us!"

"I will see to it that your mess is cleaned up," Strickler replied with a soft grin as he pushed a white curtain aside so Nomura could step in to the next room. The room was filled with the sound of metal scraping against hard stone and she saw Bular sitting on one of the wooden boxes, sharpening his weapon on his forearm, letting sparks, the same color as his eyes, fly.

Nomura sensed that something was up, and the paniced look on her face was only confirmed when Strickler let go of the white curtain after letting himself in. "I'm sorry. You've been comprpmised," he said, keeping the same soft grin on his lips as Bular's freshly sharpened blade bet her back. "Please, Bular, spare me," she begged as she turned around and backed away from his sword. "Groveling, Impure?" Bular replied, only moving closer. "You need me," Nomura tried. "If you dispose of me, who will replace me?" she kept backing up, getting closer and closer to the wall behind her. She needed to pursuade him before she reached it. Or else, she'd be doomed. "The boy already knows I'm a changeling. How long do you think it will take for him to find out Strickler is one, too?" Bular stopped.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there.." Strickler said as he fiddled with his beloved pen, "without you." Nomura's green eyes widened as Bular roared and raised his sword. She screamed as she fled from him, not willing to die just yet. She tried running past a couple of wooden boxes, but Bular knocked them all down with his thick sword, taking her down in the process.

She groaned and looked up form the ground to see one of the boxes had been knocked open. Inside it was a Fetch surrounded by its own green glow. She heard Bular's heavy panting behind her and turned on her back to see him point his blade at her. She backed up towards the box. "Wait!" she exclaimed as she snatched the Fetch from the box and held it up to him. "I've acquired the Fetch!" she desperately tried. "Fetch? More changelings?" Bular questioned. "But we are nearly finished," Strickler said. "What good would it be to bring another-" He was silenced by Bular's blade against his throat. "Be quiet, Impure," he ordered. Strickler gave him a firm, yet obedient look, which made Bular lower his sword. "Go on," he turned to Nomura.

"Think how proud your father will be to see his legion grow," Nomura beamed manipulatively. "Prepare the exchange," Bular decided, Nomura nodding a yes. "In case we're even one changeling short," he finished as he turned spirefully to Strickler. As he walked away, the two changelings exchanged confident looks.

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