three more rules

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Once again, we were gathered in the Forge, watching Jim train. A worn-out statue of a troll was shooting flames at Jim. With his heavy armour on, he manouvered his way around the Forge, making the statue miss all the shots it took. Jim grunted and rolled, think he'd outsmarted the machine, when another one popped up from the ground and begun shooting arrows at him.

"Always be afraid," Blinky said as Jim shielded himself from the arrows flawlessly with his blade. "Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive." Jim ran around Blinky and stopped in front of him, posing nonchalantly. Blinky's face dropped in disappointment when Jim got hit in the back with a metal ball and fell to the ground. "Arrogance gets you killed," he smiled as he folded the lowed pair of his four arms. "Yeah, I'll have to remember that," Jim groaned from the ground.

"Draal, however, does not fear you," he kept going as he picked Jim up. "That will be his weakness, but not you," he said as he dropped his students on his feet, turning him around to face yet another troll-machine. "You'll be wetting your armour. That will be your strenght." Jim resumed his fighting, hitting all the metal orbs that were shot at him, stepping closer and closer with each hit.

"Oh, yeah," Toby spoke. "Looking good, Jimbo. Feel the burn!" he continued. Toby, you and AAARRRGGHH were standing on the side line, watching Jim train. Toby, dressed in his gym clothes, and you sitting on top of AAARRRGGHH's soft fur, reading a book.

"If Jim's getting fit, I'm getting fit," Toby told, displaying a beeping fitness clock. "I don't want to be too big," he said as he resumed doing jumping jacks. AAARRRGGHH moaned in confusion, looking at his large hand. "Not that there is anything wrong with being big," he explained himself. "But if I'm gonna have Jim's back, I gotta be nimble," he happily said. You took a moment to look up from my book, down at Toby. "I just want you to know that you're just right the way you are," you said, comforting. "Thanks, but I wanna be agile! Like a ninja!" he replied, showing off his ninja-skills by hitting air. you chuckled, opening your book back up.

You heard Jim slice some of the machines, destroying them one by one as he grunted. Another one popped up from the ground, beginning to attack him. "You know, I think being afraid is the one rule I- Oh!" he said, but was distraced by another machine shooting spears at him from another angle. He ducked, making the spears hit another machine behind him, that soon was set aflame. "..I excel at," he finished his sentance.

"No, master Jim. you must excel at all three," Blinky interfered, walking up to him. All machines stopped. "If trolls are ever going to embrace you as Trollhunter, you must ignore your humanly instincts." You looked up from your book. One of the machines moved, making Jim launch his blade at it, hitting it right in the face. You smiled proudly, loving that you get to watch a Trollhunter grow from just a mere boy, to a champion. "Do that, and I have no doubt that you will defeat Draal," he comforted. "Why don't Y/n come tell you how you neglect your humanly instincts?" he suggested, gesturing to you.

"Sure," you said, sliding down AAARRRGGHH's arms, dropping your book gently to the ground. "She's trained under me since she could walk, she knows this," Blinky assured. Jim looked nervous, yet intrigued as you approached. "Disbeling your human instincts can be difficult for some. I want you to follow these three rules," you told as you begun circling him like a hunter about to strike her prey, taking the role as teacher very seriously. "Firstly, don't be shy. Strike, and strike hard. Leave your human manners behind, you're a troll now," you told, feeling his eyes on you as you walked around him. "Secondly, don't be afraid to make noise. Making noise is a way of claiming dominance. You want that." His head followed your body as you walked. "And lastly, never get distracted," you said, stopping in front of him. "When you're in the arena, the outside world doesn't matter. Look at you opponent, take in their every move."

"I think I can do that," Jim said. "Try," you commanded. "I'm now your opponent," you said as you shook your head, taking in the role of a troll. Blinky smiled at you, looking proudly at a lifetime of training. "Ok.." Jim said, and unsure tone in his voice. "You've got this Jimbo!" Toby cheered. Jim looked over at his friend on the sideline. "Thanks Tobe-" he begun, but was tackled by you before he could finish. You pinned him to the ground, your hands holding his harshly to the ground, your body on top of his. He looked up at you trollish look, blush rising. You shook off the trollish expression as you got off him. "You got distracted," you said, helping him off the ground.

"Try again," you commanded as you assumed the same position you had done before. Jim made for his own stance, ready for combat. you grunted loudly, waiting for him to do the same. He huffed weakly, clearly embarrassed. "Louder!" you yelled. He grunted, a little louder than last time. "Assert dominance!" you barked, making him grunt loudly this time. "Good!" you praised. "Now strike!" he raised his sword with a determined and slightly trollish look in his eyes, but before he could strike, two trolls entered the Forge.

Your heads turned to Draal, whom laughed pityfully. "Look, it's training," he snarled as he passed. He roared softly before he turned back, following the orange troll that was leading him. "Cute," Draal spat. "See, noise asserts dominance," you spoke softly to Jim, thankful for the perfect demonstration. "What a weakling," he spoke in troll as he laughed. you felt my blood boil, not recognizing my best friend anymore.

"Let your fear keep you alive. Let his arrogance lead him astray," Blinky said determinedly. "Defeat him.. and you will make history," he promised encouragingly as you all made way for the Forge's exit. "He's just jealous of your potential," you told Jim, getting your book returned from AAARRRGGHH. "Thank you for the lesson, it was very helpful," he said, not wanting to talk about Draal.

"Let me just go get changed and get my bag, and I'll be ready for school. Wait for me by the stairs?" you asked. "Sure thing!" Toby replied before you began making your way to your room. "Don't you need to change too, Tobes?" Jim asked his friend, still wearing gym clothes. "Oh yeah, I'm doing that behind that rock there," Toby said, grabbing his schoolbag. "Showing up this early for training shows your devotion to becoming the Trollhunter, master Jim. Rest assured that this will be rewarded," Blinky said, resting a blue hand on Jim's shoulder.

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