painting at the museum

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Your class (Jim, Toby, Steve, Eli and some other kids) were having a fieldtrip to an European museum today for history class. None of you were excited to be guided through the whole museum to say the least, so Mr Strickler had the bright idea to let you all wander through the museum on our own.

Currently, you were captured by a mideval dress with a leather bodice, light green skirt with embroidered details at the bottom and white fabric details. You had always been one to be drawn to the mideval times, seeing how the myths about dragons and nymphs were true. If trolls were, those other myths had to be too, right?

Then, Steve approached, leaning up against the glass flirtatiously. "Just look at that embroidery," you said, deciding to give him another change at proving himself a good guy. "Hey, sorry if I was mean to you, I just have this weird power-thing with Lake," he apologized, the hole where is tooth was supposed to be, making him whistle as he spoke. "But I want you to know that I really am I nice guy, and I feel like you're not getting to see that because of the relationship between me and Lake," he said, trying his best to look myserious and vounerable.

You took a moment to think before you conluded he deserved one last chance. "Apology accepted," you smiled. "You were an ass," you chuckled slightly. He stepped behind you as you kept admiring the dress, spotting Jim and Toby. He did some vulgar motions to them as he smirked, maing Jim sigh and Toby glare.

"Aw, come on, man. Don't let Steve get to you," you heard Toby's faint voice speak. "Y/n's a smart girl. She'll realize he's a jerk." You turned, smiling as you spotted your friends. Toby said something else to Jim, making him sigh once more before his friend approached Steve. "Hey, Steve!" he got his attention. "Did you hear about the Neanderthal exhibit? Topless," he temped Steve. "Nice! Cave ladies," Steve whistled as he wandered off to get a look at olden time boobies.

"Hey Tobes! You liking the museum?" you asked. "Yeah, I was just about to go check out another exhibit," he said. "Ooh, what one? Can I come?" you asked. "I think you might want to skip this one. It's called 'ancient bathrooms,'" he joked. I laughed as he rushed away.

Not long after, Jim approached. You couldn't help but notice a pattern here. "You like mideval dresses?" he chuckled nervously. Why was he nervous all of the sudden? "Yes, they're so gorgeous," you replied, looking at him. "I wish I could wear them all the time, but I'm afraid it's not up to the modern-day fashion standard." "Hey, if anyone could pull it off, it'd be you," he complimented. You noticed he was more confident now. "We could match. I think I saw one for men a little further down there," I joked as we moved to see a big painting off mythical creatures standing in front of a bridge.

"Father doesn't mind my obsession with the mideval times. It's the burning passion for love he despises," I told. "'Y/n, love is for the weak. Trolls only need family, and you have that,'" you imitated Vendel's deep voice. "Really?" he laughed, as he stepped a little closer. "My mom would have been stoked if I ever found something so be so passionate about," he said. "Besides, love is awesome. It's the most normal feeling for a human to feel!" "Really?" He nodded. "Thank Deya!" you sighed in relief. "I thought I was crazy!"

"But there's really nothing your passionate about?" you asked. He shrugged in reply. "Trollhunting maybe?" he suggested. "I'm just so worried about that fight with Draal," he admitted. "Ugh, Draal," I sighed. "He hasn't been himself ever since Kanjigar was defeated," you told. "I can't even see my best friend anymore. All that's left is a hard shell of hate," you sighed, feeling a lump in your throat. "Anyway!" you snapped out of the abyss of thought you'd found yourself drown in far too many times. "You'll be great in your fight with Draal. I'm sure of it." "You think so?" Jim asked for reassurance. "Yes, just remember how to detach from being human," you joked. "Right, right," he laughed. "What was is again? Uh.. Don't be shy," he laughed. "Assert dominance," you chuckled. "And.." he begun. "Don't get distracted," you both laughed in unison. "I'll make sure to do that," he laughed.

I sighed happily, gazing at the painting ahead. It had two giant animals on each side and a woman standing in the middle of them in front of a half-circle bridge. It looked oddly familiar, but you couldn't quite place your finger on it. "That picture is so beautiful," you sighed, resting your head in your hands. "It is. Ever since Tobes and I discovered Trollmarket, I've been extremely into myths," he said. "That bridge reminds me of something that I can't put my finger on.." you groaned, thinking so hard you were sure Jim could hear it.

"London Bridge? Golden Gate Bridge?" he suggested. "No!" you whined. "It starts with 'K.'" "Kallar Suspension Bridge?" he joked. That's when it hit you. You back away slowly from the wooden railing. "Killahead Bridge," you whispered in disbelief, eyes wide. "What's wrong?" Jim asked, scared, straightening his hunched back. "It's Killahead Bridge," you gasped, your hand finding its way up to your mouth. "Killahead- What's Killahead Bridge?" he asked, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "It could be in here!" I exclaimed, finally ripping my eyes from the painting, finding Jim's blue. "We have to find Tobias, now!"

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