the search

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"Tobias!" you exclaimed as you saw Toby with his back turned to you. His red vest and short figure pointing him out clearly. He turned around and smiled nervously. "There you are!" he said through his teeth. "Toby, I think I saw Killahead Bridge on a painting here," you pressed. "The what-bridge?" he asked. "Killahead," Jim repeated as he finally caught up with you. "What's Killahead?" Toby asked. "That's what I'm wanting to know too, but she ran off," Jim replied.

You looked around, everyone else in the room occupied with something else. You grabbed the boys' wrists and dragged them into the nearest broom room and shut the door. "It's dark in here," Toby said, looking for a light switch. "Nevermind that, I want to know what a Killahead is," Jim said. "You really should read those books Blinky give you," you sighed. "Killahead Bridge is the bridge Deya the Deliverer used to capture and seal the Gumm-Gumms away. If the bridge is reopened.. Gunmar will be loose, and he will do everything in his power to reach Eternal Night," you explained. "The eternal ni-" Jim began, but the door was swung open. 

"Can you go have a threesome somewhere else? I need my mop," the janitor's grumpy voice spoke. "Kids these days," he muttered as you wandered out of his closet. "And you think this super-evil bridge is somewhere in the museum?" Toby asked as we walked down a hall, not noticing Mr Strickler standing behind a corner, only hearing that one line, his eyes widening.

"Yes! I know that there is something in this museum, something always happens in Arcadia, you're just too blind to see it!" you insisted. "I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult," Jim said. "It's a fact." You then began checking every room we could find, searching frantically for the bridge. But the only thing you could find was a couple exhibits on ancient boats, pottery and Mary Wang making out with some random boy. Then, you only had one exhibit left. "It has to be this one," you said as you got closer to the archway buildt into the wall. Inside it, you could see a large exhibit, covered with a large piece of white cloth.

You were about to enter, with the boys right behind you, but a worker at the museum stepped right in front of you, making you stop hot in your track. She was wearing a pink-purple dress-suit, she had short hair paired with short black bangs and heavy makeup. "I'm afraid you can't enter here," she said sweetly. "This exhibit isn't finished yet." "Oh, I'm sorry," you apologized. "I'll come back later," you finished as you walked off, the boys still following you.

"It has to be in there," you said as you walked detemindely through another exhibit of animal-skeletons. "You're really determined on finding that bridge, aren't you?" Jim chuckled. "I don't think you understand, Trollhunter," you said, using Jim's title for the first time. "If Gunmar is released, all hell will break loose. The Gumm-Gumms will rule humanity and take back the surface world," I said gravely, trying my best to make him understand the serious situation.

"Guys.. this might not be the best time.. but," Toby began. "What is it, Tobes?" Jim asked, more than willing to change the subject. "We have a problem," he finsihed as he displayed a picture of green goo with legs and arms. The picture made your eyes widen. "Eli posted it on a groupchat," he said. The display of a smushed body of a green goblin didn't help your mood at all. This was getting into a bigger problem than you thought.

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