after school

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"Oh no," Jim said. "What is it Jimbo?" Toby asked. "Mom's home. That's her car," Jim replied and pointed at a blue car parked in front of his house. "I can't wait to meet your mother!" you exclaimed. "Really? She's kind of akward," Jim said. "She can't be worse than my father," you said as you reached his house. Jim and Toby left their bikes outside of the house and Jim went up to open the door.

"Hi Jim," was heard from the kitchen. "Hi mom, I brought some friends over," Jim replied. "Hi Mrs Lake!" Toby said. "What a wonderful home!" you admired as you walked inside the house in awe. Mrs Lake came out from the kitchen. She had red hair, glasses and was wearing blue hospital clothes. "Hi, I'm Barbra," she greeted with a welcoming smile. "Hi, I'm Y/n!" you replied happily. "She's a friend from school, she's new," Jim made up. "How sweet! Feel free to sit down at the couch!" Barbra said. "Thank you!" you said as you walked over to the living room and started exploring.

"Is she your..?" Barbra implied. "No mom!" Jim replied embarrassed. "Wow!" they heard you say from the living room. "This is so soft!" you continued, appreaciating their couch. "Would you like something to drink or eat?" Barbra asked. "I'm fine, thank you!" you replied. "Jim tells me you're a doctor," you said. "Yes I am. I work at the clinic downtown," she told. "How exciting!" you replied as Toby and Jim sat down.

A couple of hours had passed and it was time for you to go home. Jim and Toby insisted on following you home in case something happened. To get there faster, you sat at the back of Jim's bike. You held him around his waist as you rode. "Hold on tight," he said as he took the turn to the rocky road that led to the canal. You tightened your grip around his waist as he went onto the uneven path with rocks and roots sticking out from it. He reached the canal and sped down before he reached the bottom and hit the breaks. Just like he had done before. "Thanks for the lift," you said as you got off the bike. "No biggie," Jim replied as you made eyecontact again.

"I'm right behind!" you could hear Toby yell and you chuckled lightly. You pulled the horngazel out from under your shirt and walked over to the wall as Toby rolled down the canal and landed on his face, once again. "I'm never going to get that right," he groaned. "Someday, Tobes," Jim comforted as you drew the entrance with your horngazel and punched it open. "See you later guys," you said as you stepped inside. "Bye!" said Toby. "Good night," said Jim as the entrance closed.

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