the walk home

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"See you tomorrow after school!" said Toby. Him and Jim stood outside of Trollmarket, under the bridge in Arcadia with their helmets on their heads and their bikes by their sides. "Bye!" you yelled back. "And remember your amulet, master Jim!" Blinky jokingly rembinded. "Of course," Jim laughed. You and Jim made eyecontact right before the entrance closed.

It was dark outside and it was probably pretty late. Jim was praying for his mom to be at work when he got home so he could escape explaining where he had been all night. "What did I just get myself into?" he sighed. "Trolls! Magic! Come on man, how are you not excited? This is so cool!" Toby replied. "I don't know, the concept of beeing torn limb from limb isn't very exciting to me," Jim muttered.

"Aren't you the one always saying you want a little more excitement in your life? Besides, did you see how that Y/n-girl was looking at you?" he teased. "Stop it Tobes, it might just be that we are the only humans of the opposite gender she has ever seen," Jim counteragrumented. "Yeah maybe, but she didn't look at me the way she looked at you," Toby replied. Jim pushed his friend playfully in the side as an answer.


"Father?" you called as you walked into Heartsone. "In here, my dear," Vendel replied. "Um, I would like to talk to you about something very important," you requested as you walked into a room with a table with elexirs on it, staffs and many other items. Two guards were also guarding the place in case foes got in. "Yes of course," Vendel replied and gestured for you to have a seat. 

"Father, I.. I want to go to the upside world," you admitted. Vendel looked at you an sighed. "I knew this day would come someday, but I didn't think it'd be so soon," he said with a soft smile on his face. "The Trollhunter told me I could try to go to his school and I know how to defend myself!" you added. Vendel gave it some thought for a minute. "Father please?" you asked. "All right, fine," he sighed. "You can go." It felt like your body was filled to the brim with joy as you ran over to him and hugged him as tight as ever. "Thank you father!" you beamed. "You're welcome, dear," he replied.

"The Trollhunter said that I could come the day after tomorrow and all my supplies would be at the school, prepared by the teachers," you told him. "Good good," he replied. "Now run off little one," he smiled. "Goodnight father!" you said as you ran out.

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