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"I hope he finds his way to The Hero's Forge safely." you said. "He will." Blinky assured you as he put one of his blue hands on your shoulder for comfort. You could hear distant yelling coming from afar and the sound of something squeaking coming closer. "What is that?" you asked, now distracted. "Humans! Get back!" Blinky answered and dragged you a little further back into the shadows of the tunnel. You could see a thin human dressed in blue on some sort of device coming down into the canal. He stopped rolling when  he reached the bottom and yelled; "Come on Tobes!"

He looked like you, but not like you. "That must be a boy." you said to yourself. There were boy trolls and girl trolls, so you figured that there had to be girl humans and boy humans too.

The boy stood in the canal, looking up at where he came from. Then, the Amulet spoke. "James.. Lake." it called. "It's calling him!" you exclaimed and got closer to the bars to get a closer look. "What?" Blinky questioned in disbelief. The human boy looked at Kanjigar's remains with quriosity in his whole body. Now, another one rolled down the canal. This one much larger and exhausted. He was wearing red and yellow clothes and also had one of the rolling devices. It must be some sort of vehicle. He screamed as he rolled down the canal in a much more uncontrollable way than the blue boy had, and fell on his face when he stopped at the bottom.

"Ha! How awesome are we?" he said with his legs in the air and his face in the ground. The boy in blue walked over to Kanjigar, intrigued. "Awesomee!" the other boy repeated. "Hey. Hey Tobes!" the blue boy said to his friend, who had now gotten up from the ground and ran up to the him. "Did you hear that voice?" he asked. "What voice?" the friend replied as he looked around. "James.. Lake." The Amulet called again and they both fell to the ground as they yelped.

"That! That pile of rocks knows my name!" the blue boy said as he crawled up to Kanjigar. "His name must be James and the other boy must be Tobes." you said to yourself again. "It's a pile of rocks. Minerals can't talk." Tobes replied as he crawled up to it aswell. "There has got to be a walkie-talkie in here or something." he stated. James looked at Kanjigar intensely and saw the blue light. He lifted his hand up and removed a piece of Kanjigar and saw the Amulet.

"Blinky, it chose a human!" you exclaimed. "It can't be!" he replied. "It is! Come take a look!" you said. "Draal is going to be furious!" you exclaimed. Blinky walked up to the bars and saw James hold The Amulet in front of him and study it. "Looks like an amulet." James said. "Who is doing this? Come out now!" Tobes yelled as he looked around again for someone. "Hello?" James said to The Amulet. "I'm listening." he continued and held it up to his ear. Tobes came close and listened aswell. 

They waited for an answer, but instead, there was a dreadful ringing noise that made you cover your ears. They screamed and ran over to their vehicles again. "Final bell!" James yelled as he put The Amulet in his bag. "We are so late our kids are gonna have detention!" Tobes replied. "Come on Tobes!" James yelled as he mounted his vehicle. "We can still make it!" he continued as he rode off. "I'm right behind!" Tobes replied as he rode off aswell.

"It chose.. a human?" Blinky said to himself in disbelief once again. "This is historical Blink!" you exclamied. "We better get back to Tollmarket." Blinky said. "We'll retrieve Kanjigar's remains at nightfall before a gruesome comes along." he said as he started walking back to where you came from. You looked back at Kanjigar one last time before you followed Blinky back.

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