the spanish exam from hell

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It was now the next day and the Spanish exam had begun. Everyone were going to present a small verbal presentation to the class in half-Spanish, half-English. Señor Uhl was writing with white chalk on the board while Mary held her presentation. "Little did anyone know, Maria was juggling two hombres. Manolo was muy guapo but Joaquin had muchos musculos.." Mary continued her presentation.

You were sitting next to Steve, the who got his ass kicked by Jim yesterday, and you was sitting next to Jim, who was sitting next to the window. Steve started drawing Jim with a broken leg on a paper and started chuckling as he showed it to Jim. "You broke my tooth. I'm going to break your life," Steve whispered. "And when I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were dead," he finished as he crumbled his drawing of Jim in one hand turned to you.

"I didn't get to properly introduce myself yesterday," Steve started. "I'm Steve Palchuck, but you can call me yours," he whispered a pick-up line. "I'm Y/n. Call me Y/n," you replied shortly as you kept reading your Spanish book. "Come on, talk to me Y/n," Steve insisted. "You're bad news," you replied. "Oh I know I am," he replied smugly which made you roll your eyes. "Why do you hang out with that loser, Jim Lake, when you can hang out with me, the coolest guy in school?" he asked. "I'm going to tell you a secret, Steve," you said as you leaned closer to him, making him smile. You got closer to his ear and said; "You have a really bad lisp right now, due to the lack of teeth, and I'm not into guys that pick on the 'weak', sorry Steve."

You backed away and saw Steve's schocked expression and shrugged. "And poor Maria had a pedoso heart," Mary continued. The chalk Señor Uhl was writing with broke as she said 'pedoso'. "What kind of heart did Maria have, miss Wang?" Señor Uhl asked in his heavy German accent. "Uh, a heavy heart. 'Pe-do-so'. Or is it-" she stuttered. "I would hope Maria didn't have a pedoso heart, because that would mean 'gassy'," Señor Uhl interrupted. "Did Maria have a gassy heart, miss Wang?" he asked. "Of course not, Señor Uhl!" Mary replied, at the verge of tears. You heard Steve chuckle. What an asshole.

"You were trying to say 'pesado'. A heavy heart," Uhl corrected. "And it is with a heavy heart, miss Wang, to tell you you have not shown the slightest comprehension of the basic Spanish. If you can't even finish the exam, I have no choice but to fail you," Señor Uhl finished as he held a pink box of tissues for Mary to take. She took one of the tissues and ran out of class, sobbing. "Fuck, that guy's harsh," you mumbled. The bell rang and class was dismissed. "Mr Lake, I look forward to your presentation tomorrow," Señor Uhl reminded. "Yeah," said Jim as he nervously chuckled. "I'm.. ready."

Jim slammed his locker shut after he put is Spanish books in there. "Oh my god, you are so lucky you don't need to have that presentation Y/n!" Jim complained. "Meh, I'm fine," you replied as you spotted Mary, still crying by her locker with one of her friends, Darci. "One second," you excused as you walked over to Mary and Darci. "Hey Mary," you said. "Hi Y/n," she sniffled. "For the record, I thought you did pretty well on that exam," you comforted. "Really?" Mary asked. "Yeah! Señor Uhl is just some lame German dude who has nothing better to do than to pick on his students," you gossiped, knowing it would make her mood swing. "But don't let him know I said that," you whispered and made Mary laugh. "Thank you Y/n. I needed that," Mary said. "No problem," you replied with a soft smile.

You were about to walk off, but Mary stopped you. "Hey, what's your number? Maybe you, me and Darci could hang out sometime?" she suggested as you gave her a confused look. "As in phone number?" Mary explained as she held up her phone to show you. "Wow, it's like a small TV," you thought out loud as your eyes lit up. "So you mean you don't have a phone?" Mary asked shocked. You shrugged in reply. "You have to get one ASAP," Mary said. "I'll work on it," you replied with a smile as you started to walk away.

As you walked back over to Jim and Toby, you saw Steve looking at you as he stood with Eli. "She's playing hard to get, Pepperjack. Those are always the ones worth waiting for," Steve said with a grin on his face, still looking at you. It was starting to freak you out so you asked Jim and Toby if you could hutty to the next class. "Why do you wanna go so bad? We literally have math in our next class?" Toby asked. "I think that Steve guy is hitting on me. He keeps staring at me and it's starting to creep me out," you explained and Jim turned around immideatly. And as you said, Steve was still looking. "Do you need me to kick his ass again?" Jim asked slightly angry. "Don't get to cocky, Trollhunter. You have other things to focus on," you replied as you turned him back around and started walking to class with them. "Also, Mary said I need to get a phone. Can you help me with that?" you asked.

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