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-----No One's Pov----

The next day.

At class, teacher Hina was teaching in Math class, while on the next class was Ceasar, the science teacher. And the other subjects were Smoker, Aokiji, Jinbei, and more. The Principal of the school is Akainu.

Hina is lecturing Luffy again for failing Math class, at lunchtime, Luffy was sulking, Brook gave him some meat to cheer up and Luffy did. "What are you going to say to your brothers, Luffy? Your grades are failing, you need someone to tutor you." Robin said, she was concerned about Luffy's grades, "Robin's right Luffy! What if you fail again!?" Chopper asked, he was worried, Luffy gave them his signature grin. "Don't worry! Oh and Robin! Maybe you know someone who can tutor me!" Luffy looks at Robin with a soft smile.

"Look, Luffy, all you need is to find a tutor that suits you, even Franky can't teach you all day and night." Nami said, she slammed her palm into her forehead as she sighed tiredly. Chopper thinks for a moment, "Maybe I can find someone for you!!", they all look at Chopper, Robin and Zoro smiles at him.

"Really? Then, who is it??" Ussop asked, "I'm not close to the guy! But he's awesome! He's a doctor like me! We're not very close.. he's a famous one, he teaches us kids how to be a good doctor in the future!!" Chopper smiled brightly, Robin chuckle, "Oh? Really? Is he that famous?" Robin asked, Chopper nodded.

While Luffy watches them talk, he just eats and eats a lot.

The time went fast.

The class just ended, "Bye guys!! Sabo and Ace will kill me if I don't study for the exams!!" Luffy shouted far away, the Straw Hats waved at him. "Bye Luffy!!" Ussop, Franky and Choper wave back.

Luffy who sighs, running towards the bus stop.


Law was driving in his car. He stopped in front of the café. He goes out of his car, some people stare at it. Law just ignored them and walked straight inside the café. To buy coffee.

A minute later, he got out of the café.

He sighed and walked back to his car and saw someone running towards him. "Move aside!!" He shouted, he was wearing a Straw Hat. "What the--" It was too late, they bumped into each other as Luffy rolls down, he felt dizzy. Law hit his butt on the ground, Law just rubbed his head.

"Are you absolutely out of your goddamn mind!?" He was so irritated and angry, but he hesitated when it was the boy he saw from the bar the other night. He didn't care about his coffee that spilled on the ground and sigh so irritatedly, he was indeed upset. He stood up.

Luffy sat up on the ground, Law met those round eyes, the raven haired boy that he saw the other night. Luffy grinned ear to ear, "Ohhhhh!!! It's you! The guy from the bar!! Right!?" Luffy pointed as he stood up. Law shrugged and going to walk away, "So cool!! Nice car!!!!" His eyes were definitely sparkly, like stars, Law can't help but sigh.

Luffy looked up to him, "Wow! You're tall!! Very tall!!" Luffy said looking at him, up and down. "Look, kid, if you're going to run, watch where you're going." Law said, Luffy pouted, "I'M NOT A KID! I'M ALREADY 19 AND GONNA BE 20 SOON!!" Luffy yelled, all the attention of people turns to them.

'Going to be 20??' Law wanted to laugh it out loud but he intended not to. He just straightly looks at him, "Fine, you're 20 and no need to yell. I'm in front of you, so talk normally without yelling, I need to go now." Law said, "Okay!!!" Luffy waved, Luffy did not notice his bag was open and his test papers fell and spread on the ground, Luffy picked it all up.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now