#50 { END }

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-------No One's Pov------

The next morning, in the Café.

Luffy was eating all the meat that Monet bought for him, Monet smiles.

"Luffy I'm sorry about the past."

"Sorry for what??" Luffy cock his head on the left. "Sorry for doing.. such vicious and ridiculous things to you." Monet bow her head, "What the heck are you talking about?" Luffy asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? I tried to hurt you, tried to separate you from Law."

"Oh! Right! I already forgive you!! Nishishi!!~"

"What!? I didn't ask for forgiveness. Why are you so calm!? So composure!? Aren't you afraid?? Look what I tried to do to you.. I was worse, I---"

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Luffy grabbed some other dessert and ate it, as he swallowed it.

"I don't understand but what you did to me is not on purpose right?? You just do that because you were jealous of me hanging out with Torao." Luffy scratched his head, "You have no intention of doing that, besides! You give me food! Which means you're a good person! Nishishishi!!~" Luffy chuckles.

"I understand what you did to me was wrong Monet, but you were just doing it for "Love"? No, "Crush"!? Can't get it!! But you were doing it for Torao! Besides.. Even if you hurt me, I would not hate you for it. Because you also like Torao."

Luffy grabs a slice of cake and eats it. Monet laughs hilariously.

"What the heck are you? Why are you so.. why are you so.."

"Monet, if I were in your place I might also do the same, you see, Torao's head is somewhat stupid!! Meanie and sometimes cold-hearted! He just jokes about the promise and that's why you mistook it! It was his fault! I also hated Torao for that!"

Luffy said grumpily, Monet just didn't say any words. She can't understand Luffy at all. Luffy was just eating and eating with a smile on his face, while Monet was just speechless about Luffy.

"Luffy, take care of Law. I'm going back to America, to my parents."

Luffy's eyes sparkle, "America!! That's awesome!! I heard there are so many restaurants there!!! Nishishishi!!~" Luffy said excitedly.

"I'm sorry again, I was too---"

"Again! What the heck are you apologizing for!!? I don't understand girls at all!! It's not your fault anyway! Don't apologize!!" Luffy said grumpily, slightly getting annoyed by it. Monet just stayed quiet.

"I already paid for the desserts." Monet said, as she added. "I'm leaving." She smiled and stood up, Luffy nod his head and ate all the desserts.

"Bye! Bye!~ Ah!! Are you not gonna say "Bye-Bye" to Torao????" Luffy tilted his head, he was unaware that there was a slight little piece of cake in the side of his lips, cocking his head on the side. Monet gave him a handkerchief.

"I already did."

She walked out to the café.

Luffy scratched his head. "Girls are really somewhat  hard to understand. For example, Nami.. Nami's scary. Also Robin." Luffy scratched at the back of his head again.

"Weird bunch girls.. They should not apologize if it wasn't their fault." Luffy said, "Well!! Time to eat!!" Luffy said as he eats all the desserts.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now