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-------No One's Pov------

"I told you to stop biting me!! It hurts!!"

Luffy whines and clenches both of his hands to Law's tattooed arm, Law clicked his tongue, "Tch.. I'm just giving you a mark." Law responded, "Even!! Don't bite me in the neck! Your being so mean!! My brothers will kill me if they see a mark! Or they will kill you instead of me!!" Luffy irked and kept whining like a child.

"Alright! Now stop nagging!" Law raged as Luffy shuts up, Luffy just pouted, "You can bite me whenever you like but not my neck!" Luffy said, Law sighed.

"I'll be a little bit gentle. I promise." Law promised, Luffy stared at him blankly.

"I don't believe you."

Law irked, "Then don't!" he raged and bit one of Luffy's thighs, "Torao! Stop being so mean!! And so cruel!! Torao's stubborn!!" Luffy whines again. "I'm not mean!! Or even cruel!!" Law irked once again.

Law stares at Luffy, he kisses Luffy's cheek to reassure Luffy is going to be alright after this. Luffy just didn't forgive him because of the bites he was given, now he forgives him. How fast he forgives people so much.

Law notices that Luffy has been staring at him. "What?" He asked curiously, Luffy pouted. "Nothing." He mumbled by his hot breath, Law leaned to kiss his chest down to Luffy's bellybutton, Law's kiss was very pleasurable to Luffy. His touch makes Luffy shiver and tremble so much.

Law loved when he saw Luffy trembling so weak under him. Law looks down at Luffy's private part of male body, Luffy's member. Luffy's member was turned on.

'It's.. erect.' Law stares at it, "Ehhh!? What!? What did you do!?" Luffy irked and sat up, when he saw his own member turned up, he was literally in shock, Law forced him to lay back down to bed.

"I did everything to satisfy you. Which means I did a good thing. To have a good sex.." Law smirked and started slowly rubbing Luffy's members, "I want you to enjoy it with me." He smirked once more as he sexily licked his lips, Luffy stared at him confusedly, "W-What are you.." Luffy trailed off.

When Law opened his mouth, Luffy's body stretched so much, that both of his thighs placed on Law's shoulder, his legs slowly tremble, "Ah!!.." he moaned when Law suddenly started to suck his member deeply. Luffy rushed both of his hands on Law's hair, Law felt Luffy's fingers rushed through his hair, gripping it.

"N-No!.. L-Law.. s-s-stop..!! I-It's so.. Ah!! W-Weird!!" Luffy did everything he could to say it straightly, but Luffy couldn't do it. Luffy's words stuttered so much, Luffy thought it was weird, but when Law's tongue just rubbed against his member, it felt deeply good. Luffy just feels how good it was.

"Ah..! L-Law!..♡~"

Luffy moaned his name, a pleasure in Law's ears. Law even sucked more as he backed out, sticking his tongue out. "Times like this it's not called "Weird" Luffy-ya. You just feel really good." Law started with a sexy smirk and rubbed his lips with his thumb, Luffy panted, Law just looked down again, he spread Luffy's legs slowly.

'So this is his first time.. then.. I need to be a little gentler.' Law thought.

"This might hurt a little so bare it with it." Law said, he already saw Luffy's tears, "I want to hear you beg." Law said to catch Luffy's attention, Luffy groan, Luffy felt two fingers underneath him which made him startle.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now