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-------No One's Pov------

Law watches him whine and whine all over again like a little kid, sulking on the table, Law sighed. He looks at Luffy and Luffy looks back at him with a small pout.

"I don't want to study math!! It feels like it's the end of the world!!" Luffy bounces as he jumps on the couch. He was whining over one subject which annoys Law.

Law flinched when Luffy sat up and stared at him. "Say, Torao.. I remember what you said, however I can't remember what you wanted from me to remember. It was blurry, that night, at the party when I was drunk." Luffy said, he wants to remember everything that has happened. Law certainly knows all that happened that night.

Law rubbed Luffy's lips with his thumb. He wants Luffy to say those words again, so much.

"You want to remember? It's been a week that has passed."

Law said, he held Luffy's wrist and pulled him much closer, letting Luffy sit on his lap. "I want to remember! If you don't want to tell me then that's fine." Luffy said a bit sad, he was going to hop off from Law's lap but Law wrapped both of his arms tightly at his waist, Luffy's body stiffened as Law saw those blush on his cheeks.

'Is.. he shy?' Law thought that it was adorable of Luffy being shy.

"No. I will let you remember all that happened from that night. You will gladly enjoy it very much."

Law kissed him greedily, Luffy bit his tongue. Law broke off the kiss and stuck his tongue out. It was bleeding a little, "You just fucking bit my tongue." Law muttered, Luffy removed his fluffy hat and Law was startled when Luffy laid him down, and Luffy was on top of him, sitting on top of him.

"I'm.. remembering it.. little by little.." Luffy said, Law looked at him and sat up again. Law licked Luffy's neck, "I'm thirsty." he said, "Thirsty?" Luffy looked at him confusedly, Law changed their position, he was on top of Luffy now.

He raised one of Luffy's legs, Luffy can see Law's smirk. He wanted Luffy so bad right now. They were gonna kiss but Luffy stopped him and Luffy pushed him away.

"Torao wait.. Right now, I need to go! Sabo said he's going to cook something delicious for dinner!! And I might be late!!"

Luffy panics, "That's not important right now! You said you wanted to remember that night right!?" Law irked, the mood between them just changed so fast when Luffy saw the time.

"I know!! But I'm hungry!! Mostly you're kinda scary today!!" Luffy said as he put all the things in his bag and gave Law a smile. Making Law stiffened a little.

"We can do it some other time!! Just be patient, Torao!! Nishishishi!!~"

Law's cheeks became a little bit red. Doing it some other time will also not be bad at all. "Tch... Fine." Law finally agreed even though he doesn't want to.

Luffy finally left and he glanced across the window and saw Corazon coming. Corazon and Luffy met and had some little talk but it was in the end. Luffy just rushed out.

Law's phone starts to ring. He grabbed his phone and it was Ikkaku.

"What do you want?" He asked, "She's back! Monet!!" she said, Law just played with his hat a little. "So what? She and I have no relationships." He responds uninterested in the conversation right now. He knows Monet, Monet was the one who confessed to him in highschool but he rejected her so badly.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now