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-------No One's Pov-------

"I told you!! We're going to the beach!!"


It was very early in the morning, and they're already arguing, Ace rage, "So what!!? We have two doctors! Zoro and Sanji know how to swim!! Ace! I wanna go!! I wanna go!!!" Luffy whined, not stopping until Ace agrees. Ace have to admit that he also agrees with his little precious brother, but he can't. He can't stop thinking how dangerous the beach is, the sea.

"Now, now. Calm down, both of you."

They both look at Sabo, "Sabo! He doesn't know how to swim!! What if he gets drowned!? Gets eaten by a shark!!?" Ace said, he was so worried, Sabo thinks for a moment, he looks at how the two of his brothers are grumpy. One is worried and one is eager to leave.

"I'll be siding with Luffy. Ace, they have two doctors, in fact, Jinbei is there." Sabo chuckled, Ace froze for a moment, "His teacher?.. then.." Ace looked at Luffy who was grumpy and kept pouting childishly.


Ace facepalm, Luffy rolled his eyes. "I forgot that Jinbei is coming!! Nishishishi!! Sorry about that!!" Luffy said with his signature grin. Ace crosses his arms and sighs.

"Good. Then you can go."

"Ace!! I'm not a child anymore!! Don't treat me one!!" Luffy whines again, "We know, alright? We're just worried about you. Luffy, you can't swim. That's what we were worried about." Sabo chuckles, "But gladly, Jinbei is coming." Sabo smiles.

Ace nodded quickly, Luffy just sighed.

"Anyway! I'm going!!"


Luffy turned around as Sabo and Ace hugged him, "I told you, I can take care of myself!!" Luffy said, slightly whining as Ace rubs his cheeks to Luffy's cheeks. While Sabo is on the other side, squeezing Luffy's cute face.

As they both finish hugging him, "Then, you may go. If something happen, call us. I repeat!! Call us!!!" Ace said, he flick Luffy's forehead, Luffy pouted and nod his head.

Sabo patted his head, "Take care!!" Sabo said with a bright smile. Luffy nodded with a bright heavenly smile. To Ace and Sabo, that smile is more precious than anybody else.

They watch Luffy rush outside, both Ace and Sabo smile.



Meanwhile at the beach.

Jinbei sweatdrop while looking at Law.

"Are you sure you want your own private beach house??" Jinbei asked again, "Yeah. I can tell if I sleep with you guys, the whole night, you guys are going to have a party. That bothers me, so I want my own. Also, I want to sleep at my own beach house. I don't want anyone stepping on it." Law simply responds.

"What a cold person.. you are.." Jinbei muttered in a sweat, "What??" Law looked at him, he didn't hear what Jinbei said. "Nothing." Jinbei quickly said and sweated a little bit, he watches Law walk walked away.

"He's stubborn isn't he?"

Jinbei turns around to see Shachi. "He is, very stubborn. He doesn't even wanna sleepover with us. Doesn't he care about his friends?" Jinbei asked, "He cared. He just doesn't like bothering, annoying things around him. Mostly people." Shachi responds with a smile and a chuckle.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now