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-------No One's Pov------

Law arrived at his house, and parked his car. Right now, he was smelly because Luffy got splashed by champagne earlier, so when Law carried him, all the wetness in Luffy's clothes got rubbed in Law's clothes.

Law closes the gates and gets back to his car. He opened the door from his car and carried Luffy, he closed the car door on his other hand. He went inside while carrying Luffy.

"Toraoo!!!~ party!!~ I want a party!!!~ Are you also joining the party!?~" Luffy was really drunk, in one big bottle of whole alcoholic beer. He should have stepped in to stop Luffy.

"No, you need to get showered first, I also need to take a shower after you."

Law said with a sigh, "But Torao!!! Party!!~.. It's still on!!~ Nishishishi!!!~" Luffy was in daze and no self-control and kept saying some ridiculous things about the party.

Law headed to his room, his room also has a bathroom. He went in and put Luffy down in the bathtub. "Ehhhh??~.. Where am I??" Luffy said drunkenly, he was so drunk, he opened the warm water. "At the bathroom. Get a damn bath." Law said.

"No!!~ It's lonely here!!.." Luffy drunkenly laughed and kept complaining. Law sighed, 'Just what the fuck did I just bring?' he thought and went outside. Luffy took all of his clothes and threw it like nothing.

Law changed his clothes into a black robe, he didn't put on some clothes for now, because after Luffy took a bath, he was next. Law went inside the bathroom again. He dropped his fluffy hat on the sofa, Luffy was draining all his soap. "Mugiwara-ya!!" He grabbed it, it did smell good but it was all drained.

"Tch! Can't you damn use soap!?" Law angrily said, "Don't be!!~ Don't be mad at me Torao!!~.." Luffy kept chuckling and playing, splashing the water with his legs, up and down to splash the water.

Law softly facepalm and let out a tiring groan. He grabs a shampoo and crouches down, he starts shampooing Luffy's hair. Luffy felt so comfortable, so warm and good. "Nishishishi!!~ I always do my hair first!!" Luffy was still drunk, Law saw his pinkish cheeks, Law averted his gaze and didn't want to look at Luffy right now.

Luffy was literally naked, 'We are both men, so what's the point of looking away? It's not like I've never seen a man's body before.' Law thought and looked back at Luffy, he started showering his hair with warm water, Luffy felt so good. Luffy glances at Law for a moment as Law glances back.

'Why is he looking at me?' Law thought, Law gave Luffy a puzzled look on his face, and Luffy goes back staring at the water, he stops splashing some water for a moment. He felt really comfortable when Law touches him like this, Law's rough fingers were through his soft black hair. It felt warm and somehow, Luffy couldn't help but think of what happened at the party.

Luffy broke the promise. Because of Law, Law's words struck him so bad earlier, he clenched his hand into balls, like a fist.

Meanwhile, Law is just staring at him, 'What is he thinking?' Law thought for a second, "That's better. You don't smell nasty like earlier." Law calmly said.

"Hey Torao."


Luffy gave his signature grin, "Nishishishi!!~.. Let's bathe together!!~" those words escape from Luffy's drunk lips.

Law's eyes widened slowly, did he hear it wrong? Or was Luffy doing it on purpose?

"What..What are you talking about?"

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now