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-------No One's Pov------

After some 2 days.

In Nami's house.

They were decorating the house. Nami was planning to surprise her sister it made her excited. She suddenly remembers Arlong that time but they were saved by Luffy, Ussop, Sanji and Zoro.

Nojiko was like her best sister.

"By the way Nami!! Vivi and I can make some cupcakes soon! Mind if we bring it along at the party tomorrow??" Rebecca asked with a warm smile as Nami nodded.

"Yep!! Tell Shirahoshi to also come!! Luffy and others are all coming along!! I don't know about Merilyn but she has become quite our new friend these days." Nami responded as Rebecca nodded.

"I've wanted to ask you guys lately, has Luffy dated someone before??"

Nami shook her head, "Well, I never heard of him dating someone. He's not the type of guy who, he's just an idiot who spends time with his friends." Nami simply responds about Luffy, "Have you heard some rumors lately??" Rebecca asked.

"What rumors??"

Rebecca leaned to her ears, "Well, Sanji and Zoro are dating.. pfft.. Ahahahaha!!!" Rebecca laughed so hard. "Pfft.. That's damn possible!!" Nami responds with a smirk, "What??" Vivi tilted her head and was surprised when Nami responded to her.

"Yep!! Even for Law and Luffy!!" Nami smirked, "EHHHH!?!? I CAN'T IMAGINE LUFFY DATING!! AND A MAN!?!?" Rebecca has a horrified expression from her face, making Nami laugh.

"I know right? But I just feel it. Law and Luffy have some connections. I'm still investigating. Although, as a sign of respect, I won't show it or share it with anyone. Because they might have some privacy. Besides, Luffy and Law are already friends." Nami explained as Rebecca nodded her head as she smiled.

"Have you heard?? Luffy's brothers aren't home in 3 days. Luffy might spend time with us as a sleepover." Nami said as she smiled, "Sleepover?? Can we come with you guys!?" Rebecca's eyes sparkle out of excitement.

"Sure!! I don't know if Law's friends or Aw himself will sleep with us. He is not the type of guy who does this kind of thing." Nami shrugged at the end.

Rebecca only chuckled.

"He's more anti-sociable than I thought." She said with another chuckle escaping from her lips.


Law arrived at his office.

He saw Sachi and Penguin wrapping some gifts.

"What's that?" He asked, "Of course you know it. It's a gift for Nami's sister. I don't know what kind of gift she wants." Penguin responded as he smiled, "Are you somehow excited??" Shachi asked.


Law simply answered the question he was given, Shachi and Penguin look at each other, mostly Penguin grinned.

"Luffy is there." Penguin said while looking at Law. "So? What if he's there??" Law asked back, "I heard a rumor, or from Ikkaku that some girls like him. Of course, you know who she is?? Even me, or Shachi, we both know her." Penguin said, Shachi was confused as hell, he never thought Penguin would know more. Shachi just let it be. But something made him suspicious about Penguin in the matter.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now