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-----No One's Pov------

It's been a while.

In the forest, they're still on their so-called "Adventure" or that's what Luffy thought.

Everywhere they go, Law always sees Merilyn on Luffy's side like she was a glue or something, Luffy didn't mind her at all. He seems really enjoying how "Friendly" she was to him.

"Hey!! Merilyn!!! Look over here!!!"

Rebecca called as she walked towards the two girls, Ussop and Franky also wanted to see it so they followed too. Luffy on the other hand, trying to jump high to reach the apple in the tree, Law approached Luffy and grabbed the apple, the tree wasn't that high, it's just Luffy's height was pretty small, small but very strong.

Law regretted doing what he did to Luffy last time, he never knew Luffy's strength was real. Law just stares at Luffy and gave the apple, Luffy simply takes it and thank him.


He called, like he whispered, Luffy bit the apple and looked up to him with a warm and bright smile. Law just stared at the smile, Luffy tilted his head. He was waiting for Law to say something but Law only stared down at him.

Law just walked past him, "Nothing." his only words. "What's wrong with him? Since yesterday, he seems mad or upset." Luffy ate the apple as he followed Law leaving his friends, Law saw him following and he stopped.

"Stop following me." He irked, Luffy just crossed his arms. "How mean!! You're being mean since yesterday. I want to know why." Luffy said, an irritated voice, Law just rolled his eyes.

He walks away, ignoring Luffy, "C'mon Torao!! Tell me!!!" Luffy kept asking him why. Law just had enough, "Stop it! You're getting on my nerves and it's annoying!!" he exploded and walked away.

'This is damn annoying.'

He turned around again and saw Merilyn giving a mushroom to Luffy, Luffy seems to enjoy it very much.

Law approaches them, "Oh! Torao! Want some!?" Luffy asked with a smile, Law could only see his smile right now, he looked at Merilyn, "Yes. I want some, I want to taste some." he responded calmly, "Nishishishi!!! Here!!" Luffy stretches his arm, giving the mushroom to Law, Law only grabs his hand and bite the mushroom.

Luffy's body flinches a little, their eyes meet a little, the grayish eyes meet the black one. Luffy remembered that his eyes turned golden-yellow sometime, making him more handsome, Luffy just avoided his gaze, his eyes were covered by his hat.

Law saw how Luffy avoided him.

Not looking at his eyes, Merilyn, who was looking at the situation. She clenches a little and feels a little jealousy in her heart, she gives more mushrooms to Luffy.

"Take it all!!! I don't mind!!" She smiled so sweetly, Law swallowed what he just ate, he let go of his wrist. His eyes slowly gaze at the woman.

'This girl.. is eventually getting on my fucking nerves..'

He deeply thought while his jaw clenched.

Time flies fast.

It was getting dark. Luffy and the others are getting back to the camp, Law just ate his red apple, he looks at Merilyn like she just won't stop talking to him, Rebecca and Vivi just felt like Luffy and Merilyn were both sweet.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now