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-------No One's Pov------

Right now, Law was at the hospital.

"Morning!!" Bepo went in with a smile as he gave him a hot black-coffee. He put it on Law's table. "Thanks." Law said as Bepo nodded. "You seemed not in the mood lately??" Bepo asked politely, "Hah?" Law gave him a cold glare, "S-Sorry!!" Bepo suddenly apologize.

"I'm not mad for asking so stop apologizing like you literally killed someone." Law sighed, "Anyway, how's the patient?" Law asked, "It's good!! Other doctors hanging out of it!! Also, Penguin helped the other doctors! So it would be fine!" Bepo chuckled. Law nodded, he sipped his black-coffee.

"Are you and that Straw Hat okay now??" Bepo asked worriedly, "Why do you ask such stupid question? We're fine." Law responded, "S-Sorry!!" Bepo bowed again, "Can you stop that!?" Law irked, Bepo stopped bowing and nodded.

"No.. it's just I think.. you two have had problems lately. And you, we notice that you've been out of mood." Bepo said softly, Law stared at him, "It's just your imagination. My mood is always like this." Law simply responds.

"N-No! It's not! It's just when that guy.. Straw Hat just came into your life,  you become his tutor, everything feels uneasy about you. Part of you is somewhat upset and part of you really feel comfortable being with him." Bepo said as Law remained silent.

"He considers me as his "Friend", what could go wrong?" Law asked, "Nothing!" Bepo said as he left the office. He wanted to ask more but he couldn't.

Law leaned to his chair and heavily sighed. Law hummed for a moment and stared at the ceiling.

"EYYYYYYY!!!" He heard Shachi's voice outside. Also Penguin followed by Shachi. "What do you guys want??" Law curiously asked, "Nothing, we just felt you and Luffy are on the wrong terms or something." Penguin responded. "I already told you guys a hundred times, we're fine. We're alright." Law facepalm.

"Can't you guys stop thinking like we're fighting? Even if we both have problems with each other, you don't need to mind our business. It's none of your business to interfere. It's our fucking goddamn problem." Law said, Shachi and Penguin nodded in response, as Law heard another person is coming in.

Law and the others waited for that person and it was none other than Ikkaku. "Yo! Here's the results of the new patient." Ikkaku smiled and gave Law the results. "I forgot, about Luffy!!" Ikkaku said as she grabbed something in her small cute bag, Penguin, Shachi and Law looked at her confusedly.

Ikkaku finally put something on the table. "Actually, just earlier. One of Luffy's just visited me recently, he has a tattoo and also an orange weird hat. But goddamn, he was so hot and handsome! Anyway, his brother wants you to give him this! He thought that he drop by at your house but ended up visiting mine." Ikkaku explained as they all look at the table.

It was a bento. Just a bento. Shachi touches it and it was still hot, "So? Why us? Why can't he gave it to Mugiwara-ya personally?" Law asked, "He said they're busy and they also have a job, they only go home when it's evening. Maybe they forgot to gave it to Luffy." Ikkaku cross her arms, they left a small, "Oh."

Shachi, Penguin and Ikkaku look at Law.

"What?" Law look at them, "You bring it to him! Even though his friend, Sanji there will cook for him. Although, this bento seems very special, because it was made by his caring, loving brothers." Ikkaku said.

"So? What is it have to do with me?? You guys bring it to him." Law said, they all look at each other and their lips turn to evil smirked.

Penguin sighed sadly, "Oh no.. We're kinda busy with the new patient.." as he acted like he was damn tired all of a sudden, "Oh! I also forgot mine!! God.. it's just so many patients today.." Shachi also acted like he was sulking. 'What the fuck is wrong with them all of the sudden?' Law thought blankly, and it was not working at all.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now