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-------No One's Pov------

It was evening.

Law was sitting in the office-chair, his laptop was in front of him, on the table. He was just staring at his laptop, the coffee was beside him. 'I should take a shower.' he thought as he went to the bathroom and starts to have shower.

He didn't swim today, he was literally in a bad mood. After a good shower, he heard someone keep ringing the bell outside of his door. At his doorbell. As he put on some pajama pants. He was shirtless and had a towel on his head. He wrapped his towel around his nape.

"Coming, just wait a moment." He said as he walked down the stairs and opened the door, it was already evening so he locked the door. He was surprised to see Luffy carrying a tray of food.

"Yo! Torao!! Evening! It's still early right?.." Luffy smiled, Law let him in. He closed the door and locked it. So no one can come in. "It's 8:50 in the evening." He responded.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Bringing me some dinner?" He asked, Luffy nodded in response. Law noticed Luffy was quiet today. Luffy went upstairs as Law followed. Luffy put the tray on the table beside Law's laptop.

"What's wrong? You seemed quiet today." Law said as he crossed his arms, "Nothing, I just noticed Torao is mad today.. Like earlier. I was thinking what was the reason of your madness?? Why are you so angry earlier?" Luffy asked kindly and politely, he was waiting patiently for Law's answer, Law stared at him for a moment and went silent. Law watched Luffy play with his fluffy hat.

Law noticed Luffy was staring at him, "It's none of your concern." Law responds, "But I wanna know!!" Luffy said, he really wants to know so bad and Law just doesn't want to say it. Law sat on the chair and ignored him.

"I wanna know Torao!!" Luffy kept whining, "No is a "No". It's not your concern." Law suddenly focused on his laptop. Luffy pouted, as he looked underneath the table.

He suddenly insanely grinned, what a hilarious plan in his head right now.

Law noticed Luffy was gone. 'Did he already leave? No, I never heard the door open.' Law thought as he felt someone touched his thigh. Law looked down and saw Luffy, Luffy's cheek was laying one of his thighs, resting it.

"Torao, tell me.. I won't leave here unless you tell me!!" Luffy said and hugged his right leg, Law stiffened of how Luffy touched him. Luffy was not drunk like last time, he was acting on his own.

"Is it about Merilyn again!?"

Law's body froze after Luffy asked that question. He just looked down at him and touched Luffy's lower lip. He didn't answer it at first.

"Are you perhaps jealous of what happened earlier?.."

Law felt silent as he looked at Luffy with those golden-yellow eyes of his. Earlier was gray now it was golden-yellow. It was very pretty that it made Luffy stare at it.

"Yes, I am."

Luffy's eyes slowly widened, Law saw those expressions. He smirks, "Luffy-ya, I have to admit that I am indeed jealous and what would you do about it? I hate it when she touches you so freely. It's fucking annoying everytime I see her sticking to you like fucking glue." Law said coldly.

"B-But Torao! She's a friend!!"

"Is that how a friend acts? Choose, avoid her or I will be the one who will avoid you."

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now