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-------No One's Pov------

The next day.

Rayleigh explained everything about the camp, every student in class was excited. Mostly Luffy who kept jumping on the air, Nami and Robin just chuckled, Vivi who smiled.

"Are you excited for the camp??" Vivi ask Nami as Nami nodded fastly, "It will be exciting!!" Nami smiles sparkly, Robin who only smiled.


A few days passed by, and the time was faster than usual.

Until the Day of the Camp arrived.

Law did come. He has only one reason.

The main reason he came is because of him. Of course, it was all about him. Even though his annoying, Law didn't try to push him away anymore, he already got used to it. Anyway, Law was at his own House Camping Cabin. Because Law doesn't want to share with them, ever, like that's going to happen.

Ikkaku and the others are in their House Camping Cabin on their own with the students. The House Camping Cabin, was very big and there were a lot of them, many students can share beds, but Law just wants his own Camping Cabin.

The teachers agreed.

Law was drinking coffee, he saw the big van, and buses. "That must be all the students." He said, as he sipped his coffee. He saw one bus where Luffy was and his friends, Law's eyes turned to Luffy only. He hummed for a moment and thought he wanted to get out of the house.

As he did.

"Oh Law! We're helping Sanji to make breakfast for all the students!! Wanna help!?" Penguin asked, "No." he simply responded as Penguin laughed like he knew Law responded, "Ooh! It's Luffy!! I guess his hungry!" Penguin headed back to Sanji.

"Oh!! Torao!!"

Luffy just walks straight to him, every girl blush.

"Oh, it's him from the festival..."

"He's so handsome.."

"I heard from Mr. Jinbei said he is a Doctor.. just damn, what a hot doctor.."

"Oi!! Girls!!"

They heard Teacher Hina's voice, "Coming!!!" they all got their attention from the teachers.

"I knew you would come!! Anyway!! We have been parted in a group! About Zoro and the others are exactly not in my group and since you're not one of us, why don't you join us!?!?" Luffy asked excitedly, "No." Law simply responds again. Law doesn't want to explore, he was too lazy.

He sipped his coffee, "C'mon!! Why Shachi and Penguin are going with Zoro and Sanji and with the others!! I want you to come too!!" Luffy pouted a little as he crossed his arms.

Law sigh, 'This is giving me headaches.' Law nodded in response as he finished his coffee, Luffy grinned happily. "That's good!!" Luffy chuckled as he headed to Sanji and his friends.

Law walks away.

Today was just free time.

But the next day, they have a job to do, more like an activity. A student needs to collect some fruits and vegetables, not meat because it might be a wild animal and make a student in danger, so Smoker gave them a wristwatch tracker, they just need to push the button and if it's only for emergencies.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now