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--------No One's Pov-------

It's been 3 to 4 hours.

Law's hips were moving faster and rougher, Luffy clenched both of his tattooed arms. "Ahh!! ♡~ Ah!! Ahh!!.. Law!!..♡~" Luffy moaned in such pleasure, it was pain and pleasure that he took from him.

"Does it feel good??" Law grinned, he kept moving his hips rougher, as he kissed Luffy's left leg. And bites Luffy's thigh. He watches how Luffy moaned, taking all the pleasure, "Ah!!~ Law!!~" he moaned his name so badly.

Until Law thrust it very deep, not just half his member but full of his member that it always hit the sweet spot. "I'm.. so.. f-full.." Luffy mumbled, Law fucked him more as he kept thrusting.

"Ah!~ M-More..! ♡~" Luffy finally started to plead, it was so good. Everything was getting blank, his thoughts were blank and couldn't think it clearly. His deep thoughts were only focused on Law. Law is making sure Luffy feels good to the core, he is the same.

"Does it feel good?.." Law licked his lips, as he moved rougher, slamming his hips to Luffy's. Luffy's body was like bouncing from it because of the climax of Law's hips. Law leaned and his body rubbed against Luffy's body. Luffy wrapped his legs around him and Law kissed him deeply.

His lust grew more and more. "L-Law..! S-So.. good! Ah!! Ah! ♡~" He moaned his name again and again. Pleading for more, thirsty for more, Law couldn't help but feel the same way. It was too good, tastier than the food he eats. Luffy was more delicious, more exceptional, everytging about Luffy is so good.

Their sweaty bodies rubbed against each other, both of them were tangled to each other. The way Luffy hugged him so tight, and the way Luffy's fingers deepened the clench on his skin. Law's tattooed back starts to have red scratches. Law groaned.

They finally released it, both of them came. Luffy moans and feels Law's semen inside him. Law let out his member, Luffy sat up slowly, Law looked at him, Luffy kissed him as he kissed back, Luffy's hands slid down onto his tattooed chest. It slid down more onto his abs, Luffy can feel how muscular he was. Just how many days of him staying in a gym?

Law slowly lifts him up by his waist, Luffy sits on his lap and slowly touches Law's member. Law's body shivers from it, "Law's.. semen.." Luffy looked at his fingers.

His semen was thicker than his, "So sticky.." Luffy mumbled. "Why don't you ride me?" Law lifted his chin, "Ride you?" Luffy tilted his head. "We're not done yet??.." Luffy asked, a little bit astonished, "Do you want to stop now??" Law asked, "I'm not sleepy.. don't wanna.." they both kissed.

"Let me ride you.. Law."

Law chuckled after hearing that, Law slowly groaned when Luffy touched his member, Luffy put it in again, more deeper. Sitting on it. His body fully trembled, mostly his legs. After putting it in, both of them pant heavily.

Law kissed his collarbone. Law licked his sweaty neck. Luffy moans, Luffy touches Law's neck, and touches Law's lips. Law licked his fingers, "I don't mind you touching me." Law smiles, Luffy's face becomes redder. "How cute." Law kissed his nose.

Law holds both of his thighs, Luffy starts to move his hips up and down. Slowly, he was making slow progress, Law groaned in deep pleasure. Luffy moaned, "Law.." he muttered and started to move quite fast.

They'd kissed again and again, Law's hands slid on Luffy's buttocks and also started to move his hips, in a perfect rhythm. Both of them start to move, it becomes rougher and faster, Luffy's legs slowly stretch how Law was getting more faster and the way Law slammed his hips to him, makes his member get deeper insides. Luffy's insides felt like it was crushing by Law's member. Those thick walls.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now