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-------No One's Pov----

Luffy waited as Law came with some answer sheets, Law saw Luffy checking one of his books.

He sat beside him and put the answer sheets down and the books. "Oh!! Wait! Why does it have to be all answer sheets!!?" Luffy panics with such a horrible expression from his face.

"Calm down, Mugiwara-ya. You'll answer that later." Law tried to calm him down as Luffy calmed down.

"Now, let's start. We should.." Law can't even finish his sentence when Luffy kept poking his shoulder with tattoos and arms and hands.

"Can you stop doing that! And listen!" Law irked madly, "I'm sorry, I was just too distracted, because I never thought you had such amazing tattoos, you even have one in your chest." Luffy pointed at his chest. "This is the first time I saw you wear this kind of clothes since you always wear some suits like you're going to the office and doing boring things." Luffy stated and put both of his hands at the back of his head.

"Anyway! Are you coming on Friday!? You're really coming right!? You just mentioned it earlier!"

Luffy leaned to Law's face which made Law back a little bit, Law sweat a little, coming from his neck. "Yes, now focused on your work, you're too close to Mugiwara-ya." Law said, he hesitantly pushed Luffy's face away, his hands were hesitating.

Luffy grabbed his hand and read the tattoos in his fingers.

"D.E.A.T.H. How scary! Even though you're not that scary! You're more like an emo! Nishishishi!!~" Luffy said, "Oh really? Well, you're like a 7 year old to me who hasn't even grown up." Law said with a mocking tone, he has a smirk on his lips, mocking Luffy for being unmature.

"HEY!!!" Luffy whine and pouted, his lips pouted which made Law almost chuckle. He was enjoying mocking him sometimes and liked his childish angry reaction.

But it stops when Luffy starts to play with his fingers as Luffy spreads his hand, "Wow, Torao your fingers are long and rough, mine is quite small because I'm small. I want a finger like this! It might sound cool! Like I'm a rockstar!!" Luffy said it was full of excitement in his eyes.

"You like my fingers then?" Law asked and leaned his back at the couch, he crossed his legs, he didn't mind Luffy touching his fingers, palms, mostly the whole hand of his. When Law felt Luffy's fingers slowly slide down from his palm, he felt Luffy's fingers were fragile, small, soft and very warm to be exact. It was very small when he felt that touch on top of his palm.

He can grab Luffy's whole hand with his big and rough hands. "Look! My fingers are long but not as long as yours! You're pretty rough! Like.. did you hold a sword before?" Luffy asks tilting his head on the side, "Yes, I did. But that doesn't mean I'm a swordsman." Law responds, "EH!?!? SO COOL! I WANT TO CARRY A SWORD TOO!!" Luffy said, dreaming about himself carrying a sword.

"I would be so awesome!"

Luffy said with a huge signature grin of his. Law glances back at both of Luffy's hands, such weak, fragile fingers he has. While his was the opposite. Law's body froze in a second when Luffy intertwined his fingers, "See!?" Luffy chuckles, Law can tell how innocent this guy is. Like very innocent, he knows nothing at all, he was not cautious beside him when they're always alone.

He acts so freely and does whatever he wants. He acted his own way, didn't even think how dangerous the situation was, what if he was not here and was someone else other than him, will Luffy act the same way to that guy? Luffy's innocent face just looks at Law.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now