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-------No One's Pov------

Law and Luffy excuse themselves, "Wait, where are you guys going?" Corazon asked, Luffy was gonna respond but Law was the one who responded first. "Bathroom. Going to take a bath.", Corazon blinks his eyes more than 3×.



"Oh, yes, yes." Corazon fakely coughs. "Go ahead."  Corazon smiles, Luffy looks at both of them confusedly. "What's wrong with you guys? You guys are acting weird." Luffy said as he went up ahead. Law left Corazon in the middle of the dining room.

They both left as Corazon smiles and brings his phone up to call someone.

"Doffy, I have good news!! Very good news indeed."


In the bathroom.

Law watched Luffy play with the bubbles.

"Hey! Torao! Look!!"

Luffy fixed his hair into an afro design. Luffy laughs hilariously and changes it again to different shapes. Law doesn't know if he should laugh or not.

"You're boring." Luffy crossed his arms, "I prefer bathing with Ussop and Chopper." Luffy said, Law stared at him for a moment. "So you prefer them instead of me?" Law asked, a bit cold on his tone. "Of course not! I chose both!" Luffy whines, as Luffy looked down at him for a moment.

Law gave him a puzzled look, 'What is he looking at?' Law looked down at where Luffy was looking at. Law looked at Luffy again and looked down again, his body just froze to the spot. Luffy was looking at his private part of his body, but the bubbles were interrupting.

Law slightly smirk, he grabbed Luffy's wrist which startled Luffy, Law sat him up in his right thigh and kissed his neck.

"What are you staring at?" He whispered in his hot voice to Luffy's ear, Luffy felt like his hot breath was crawling under his skin, it made him shiver and blushed at the same time. When Law saw his red face, Law deeply chuckled.

"Say Torao...."


"Can I suck yours?"

The atmosphere became blank after that simple question, Luffy was asking for his permission politely.

Law blinks for a moment, "W-What..?" his words even stutter. "I'm asking if I can suck yours." Luffy pointed at the private part of his body, the male private part which made Law's face fully crack. His face turned a bit red.

"S-Suck what now?.. "

"You sucked mine last time! From what I remember you said it was good! So I wanna try yours!"

Law was literally going to explode, his face turned red. He suddenly remembers that he indeed already sucked Luffy's member, he had to admit that it was delicious, plus the moans he was given at that time. But Law never expected Luffy to do such a thing. Nor suck his.

"Let me suck yours! It's unfair!! you suck mine!" Luffy was gonna grab it as Law stopped him immediately by Luffy's wrist.


"What now!? I wanna taste it!!"

"Y-You can.. probably next time. Alright?" Law was somewhat nervous, even his face is blushing madly right now. "Why? It's like sucking a popsicle!!" Luffy whines childishly.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now