*Subjective to Authority; Chapter 48

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"Out, everyone. We don't have time to waste." Abby's commanding voice startles as people are ushered out through the reaper tunnels, dispersing through the woods as Sergeant Miller leads the way towards the dam, severely injured people being escorted along the tedious route back to arkadia. 

"How much longer do we have, Abby?" Sinclairs voice sounding out of breath as he props his hands a-top his hips, glancing towards the doctor for any hint. "Not enough." With concern etched into his features, sinclair looks out, following Abby's line of sight. The numerous amounts of people filtering from the shadowed exit from deep within those dark tunnels.

Marching from the exit, the Commander strides forward, dozens of warriors  in toe. "We need to get her out. With the plan we've formulated, it's a push. We won't make it back out in time but-"

"I can't let you do that." The Commander interrupts the soldier. "I won't send my people to do a job with an undeniably catastrophic outcome. I laik heda, I'll do this on my own.". stepping forwards, intrigued by the conversation, Abby interrupts. "What's this about, Commander?" the Doctor queries. 

"We're returning inside the mountain, our mission is ill complete." Lexa explains, as if dismissing any further questions.

"You can't be serious, no. We don't have time. Everyone, to the dam, Now!" she shouts, taking the commander by surprise at her blatant rejection of her command. 

"Very bold of you, Dr Griffin." Indra snarls, eyes glaring daggers at the doctor for her outright disrespect. "You would think differently, I would hope. If you knew it was one of your own still inside that mountain" Indra continues, her sentences being cut short as Abby redirects' the conversation. "Is this true Commander, what is she talking about?" concealing emotions behind a tall facade, she nods. apparently being short for words as she turns her head, seeming to scout the tree line as to disclose the best route.

 "Who?" ignoring her question, the Commander doesn't even flinch as to respond. her lips sealed. "Who is still inside that mountain, god damn it!" she curses, despirastion showing clear on her features, hoping to all that is out there that it is not her daughter, she couldn't fathom how'd she'd cope if she lost Clarke.

"It's Y/n, she's still inside the mountain, she's the one that made the announcement. We have to go get her." She relents, seeming helpless as her eyes betray her desperation. "With all due respect, Commander. We're out of time." A new voice interrupts, her figure emerging from behind the rest of the grounders, everyone having cleared from the tunnels and blended out towards the dam. Only those visible being that of who are speaking.

"Anya, I am not doing this with you. I'm the commander, and I'm in charge." The Commander glares, attempting to turn, to march through where they'd just emerged from.

"And as a Commander, you should know that one life isn't worth risking yours, Heda." Anya combats, hand steeling itself around Lexa's forearm, restaining her from moving any further. "Let go." She seethes low and startling, eyes glaring deep, and dark. 

"I can't do that Commander, you're not thinking clear." The blonde argues, her iron fist not letting up as she tugs, pulling the commander forth and further from the entrance . 

"I command you-" interrupted, eyes search as a strange sensation begins to set in. Looking skyward to no avail, a voice breaks the tense silence "What is that?" a grounder, a mere warrior whispers. Searching down, the doctor frowns. the ground feeling as if it was starting to shake. "We need to get to the damn, now" stating and leaving no room for argument, the Doctor turns striding, the others following in toe. "No." the Commander's blunt as she tugs her arm form Anya, attempting to turn back towards the mountain, a brief second passing where Anya huffed, fed up with her attitude. Following towards the Commander, Anya stopped, grabbing her, lifting her by the waist as the commander struggled, trying to squirm from the taller girls hold.

"Lexa!, Lexa, stop. We don't have time. You'll kill yourself." Anya whirls, the Commander grunting, her attempts never ceasing as she's carried from the mountain, strewn over the generals shoulder. "I can't lose her, Anya" she groans, the air having been knocked out of her from her feeble attempts to escape Anya's grasp.


A deep rumbling growls  throughout the ground, sending ripples along the water occupying philpott dam. Restlessness can be heard, the individuals who had previously escaped Mount Weather scrambling, alarmed by the monotonous quaking from the mountain.

"What's going on?" Abby's voice is heard, shouted. As she pushes through, making her way forth to where Monroe and Sgt Miller are located, both staring down at a small tablet. "We're unsure, Dr Griffin. We presume an earthquake, but nothing is showing in these vitals." Sinclair explains, repetitively looking form down at the tablet, then towards the mountain. 

"So, is it coming from the mountain?" She questions, Sinclair's unsure glance being conformation enough. "is it Y/n?" a familiar voice makes the doctor jump, surprised as she turns. "Clarke, thank goodness" she sighs a breath of relief, a hand have come up to brace her beating heart.

Otherwise ignoring her mother, Clarke stares expectantly towards Sinclair. "It would make sense, right? she gave us time, maybe this is what she was planning." The blonde explained. "I understand, but what is it that she's actually doing?" Sinclair continues, finger hovering over the tablet as his eyes scan the words overriding the screen.

"How would she do this, Clarke. It's unlikely. We think it's just an earthquake." Abby reasons, disbelieving the girl could be the cause of this. "I've seen it before. When we fought against the grounders the night the Ark fell. She, I don't really know what she did,-" "Erupted into flames." Monroe nods, conforming what Clarke couldn't. Looking towards the red-head, Clarke meckly nods, unsure. "Well, I think so?-" "No, she did. When the door closed, Sterling and I were still outside, we got away in time, but saw the explosion. She physically convulsed before fire was sent everywhere." She explains, still seeming some-what salty about being left outside when the doors closed.

"Yeah, well, what good will fire do against stone?" Sinclair dismisses their discussion, not having the time, nor the patience to stand and listen to the two teens squabble back and forth.

"What's happening?" Anya's voice interrupts, seeming to have been rid of the Commander, now just being closely followed by a perturbed Lexa. "Get in line." Sgt Miller mumbles, seeming fed up with being asked the same questions time and time again. 

"We're not sure, our bets on Y/n, though." Clarke's explains, looking towards the two figures. "Our?" "Y/n?" Anya and the Commander both rising questions of their own. "Yes, our." Monroe's voice fills in "Our guess is on Y/n being the source of this rumbling."

Seeming distant, lexa's eyes search, every ridge and curve of the mountain, hoping upon anything they were wrong, that Y/n wasn't the cause of the ground shaking, that she had, in fact, escaped behind them somehow.

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