Chapter One

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FAIR WARNING: I'm reconstructing this story so there will temporarily be changes in the quality of the chapters during the chapters for young (Y/n). I will either have replaced the first chapter with a whole new part or just re-edited the first part. With that being said, all old comments and votes may have disappeared. I'm sorry! 

(Also if things don't work out, I might do what I did with my Nightmare Before Christmas story and just make a whole new book, so pls stay tuned and read authors notes when I post them, and maybe follow my account so you don't lose the story? You don't have to but it might make finding me on wattpad a little easier—)

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter. 


Today was a strange day. Mommy took you on errands all day today and she seemed upset. You tried to think of some way to help her feel better because singing songs didn't work.

All of the errands were at boring places. No colours, no candy, no toys.

Mommy had dark circles under her eyes today.

She let go of your small hand with her gentle one to use a man's pen. You looked around for anything fun to look at... but it was only an ocean of hustle and bustle. One man stood still from far away. He was tall and had a pretty suit on with a black tie and he had short black curls. The man stood out to you as one of the emotionless ones... like a robot.

Your gaze immediately moved on when an ice cream truck drove by. The music, the colours, the pictures, the sugar... It was sunshine in truck form. You needed to stop it. Not just for you, but for mommy.

You wandered off to chase it down. Mommy's favourite flavour was all three together --chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. She also liked rainbow popsicles.

The ice cream truck was getting away.

"Hey! Hey!" You yelled at the truck. "Stop please!"

It stopped at the red light and it gave you time to catch up... at least, until the light went green again and the truck turned right.

You turned right with it, moving past the people. It soon picked up speed and zoomed straight down the street. You slowed and hopelessly watched it leave your sight. It suddenly dawned on you that you had no idea where you were.


People walked around you and some bumped you out of the way. "Out of the way, kid."

You were almost frozen, but you backed up into the alley so you could be out of the way. Mommy always told you to stay where you were when you got lost. Your eyes scanned every face, but nobody looked familiar. It frightened you to your core not only because you were afraid of the people, but you were afraid of how angry Mommy might be when she finds you. You reminded yourself to stay put so she could find you.

That was when a man stepped into view... It was the same man with the lifeless eyes.

He only stared at you.

You maintained eye contact... and the longer you did, you began to cry.

He took one menacing step closer and it was enough for you to book it in the opposite direction. His footsteps slowly followed behind, but he was much taller and faster.

You ran away into a big crowd, hoping to lose the man, but truthfully, you were only digging yourself deeper into danger. You backed into another alleyway, trying your hardest to see if you could recognize any of the people walking by.

"Mommy..." You sniffled. "He's chasing me..."

Out of nowhere, you hear a heavy clunk from behind. You saw a set of bright blue eyes peering at you from inside the sewers and the manhole cover was ajar. You hurried in and closed it, quietly climbing down to land in stinky sewage. You covered your mouth and nose so the man couldn't hear you.

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