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3rd person POV

It's been fourteen years since the battle with the night kings army and the coronation of Bran Stark as king of the seven kingdoms for all of ten minutes before granting independance to the north.  It's a calm and sunny morning in Winterfell and the king in the north (y/n) (l/n) is walking through the courtyard with his fur cloak around his shoulders "where are those two?" he says out loud "your grace!" an old man calls out as he races over to (y/n) "calm yourself maester, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asks "apologises your grace but...the young lords...I tried to get them to listen but they are painfully stubborn" the maester says as he catches  his breath causing (y/n) to let out a small chuckle "that is being generous...where are they? Their mother  is waiting for us and she doesn't like waiting" he asks "in the crypt your grace" the maester responds.

(Y/n) POV

I slowly make my way into the crypt carefully looking around every corner as these two have a habit of trying to scare me or their mother "Ned?...Robb?...boys?" I call out and a few minutes later I see the two boys standing there looking up at the statue of their grandfather Ned Stark "there you are" I say as I approach them "I wish we'd gotten to meet him" Ned says with a sad look on his face "so do I" I say as I kneel down next to them "what happened to him father?" Robb asks.  I take a deep breath "a very sick and evil man had him executed for something he did not do" I say as I look into his blue eyes "and doing so he started a war" I add "the war of the five kings?" Ned asks "that's right a war that your uncle fought in for a time" I say with a slight smile "really?" both of them ask "yes your uncle Robb marched south with the northern banner men to get revenge for your grandfather and...to rescue your mother and your aunt Arya" I say hesitantly "what about you father?" Ned asks "me?...well I didn't do anything special I just done what I thought was right to protect the one person I loved...speaking of whom your mother is waiting for us in the godswood" I say as I stand up "first one there gets an extra slice of cake!" Robb shouts and suddenly the two brothers run off leaving me alone in the crypt with the statue of Lord Stark staring right at me "I wish you were still here m'lord" I say before bowing my head.

I finally get to the godswood where I see my beautiful wife sitting on the grass with a book in her hand as the two boys are duelling with sticks "you took your time" Sansa says as she looks up from her book "you can blame your sons for that" I say as I sit down beside her.  I smile happily as Sansa rests her head on my shoulder "they were in the crypt" I say "and?" Sansa asks "and they were asking about your father" I say "how much did you tell them?" she asks nervously "enough to make them stop asking questions for now" I say reassuringly knowing that Sansa would prefer to explain everything once they're older "anyway we're here now and for the first time in months we can take a day to relax" I say as I hold her hand.  A few minutes of silence pass "(y/n)...there's something I've been meaning to ask you" Sansa says after planting a kiss on my cheek "I'm listening" I say "well the boys are getting older now and are almost at the age where they don't need much supervision" she says "I guess...I suppose at twelve we were in Kings Landing" I say "i was just wondering...if we could have another baby?" she asks "excuse me?" I say as my eyes widen "after all we're only thirty four" she says I take a few minutes to think about it "I'm not sure if my back can handle it" I think to myself "alright one more can't hurt" I say causing Sansa to smile and wrap her arms around me.

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