Chapter Four

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It has been months since Lord Stark was executed and the situation has not gotten any better I've had to go into hiding whilst I find a way to get Sansa back with family however our options are low as not too long ago word reached here that Bran was murdered by the traitor Theon Greyjoy along with Rickon and Ser Rodrik however Theon also betrayed Robb along with Roose Bolton and Walder Frey at the red wedding and during that night Robb, his wife and Lady Stark were killed and no one knows where Arya is or if she is even alive however my temporary allies Lord Baelish and Varys are giving me news everyday but the most useful information is that on the day of Joffrey's marriage to Margery Tyrell there is a plan to have him poisoned that is how I'll rescue Sansa during the wedding I'll have someone sneak her out and have her taken to a safer location "where would be a safe place to hide Sansa?" I ask Varys and Lord Baelish "take her to the vale with me and her aunt Lyssa" Lord Baelish says "that way she will be with family" he says "very well I'll come with you both I made a promise to her parents that I'd protect her" I say "when is the wedding?" I ask "next week" Varys says "then have a boat ready we leave as soon as possible" I say before leaving.

Timeskip 1 week

It's now the day of Joffrey's wedding I have somehow managed to sneak into the gardens where a large party is taking place for the King and Queen I can see everyone sitting at a large table at one end is the Tyrell family and on the other is Lannister family and Sansa sitting next to Tyrion, I sneak round to behind Sansa's seat I go next to her and whisper "Sansa something big is about to happen and when it does you need to come with me" she turns her head "(Y/N)? Is that you?" She asks "yes it is me we have no time just be ready" I whisper "okay" she says as Joffrey is standing next to Margery he begins to drink his wine at a pace that suggests he wants to challenge his uncle for family drunk however the fun and games are over for him as he begins to choke I watch as he starts clawing at his neck "now" I whisper taking Sansa's hand and leading her out of the gardens as screams can be heard coming from behind us the King is now dead. We sneak our way to the boat when Sansa stops me "(Y/N)!" She says "what?" I reply as I turn around she immediately hugs me "where have you been? I thought you were dead" she says "I'm sorry after your father's death I had to go into hiding so I could plan to rescue you" I say "was that you that caused that?" She asks "no I had no part in Joffrey's murder it was just a coincidence that the people plotting his death found me planning to save you" I reply just as Lord Baelish walks out from around the corner "the plan went without trouble now all we need to do is get Sansa to her Aunt Lyssa" Baelish says "are you coming with me (Y/N)?" She asks "of course I am, I swore to protect you and your sister as long as I live, now I don't know where Arya is but I know I can keep you safe" I say as I hug Sansa as she starts to cry "come now we do have much time" Baelish says with that we get on the boat and take off at a steady pace as the sound of the clanking armour of the Lannister army can be heard approaching.

After what felt like a year we arrive outside the bloody gate the slow walk to the large gate has me on edge I'm waiting for something to go wrong but it doesn't "halt! Who approaches" a guard yells "Lord Petyr Baelish with my travelling companions Sansa Stark and (Y/N) (L/N), lady Sansa is niece to your Queen Lyssa Arryn" Lord Baelish replies "and what of him?" The guard asks "I am the ward of the late Eddard Stark and Lady Sansa's sworn protector!" I shout the guard goes silent he looks back then says "very well you may enter", "open the gate!" He yells and slowly the gate opens revealing the path to the Eyrie "I've done it I saved her like I said" I thought proudly to myself as we slowly walk up the path to our new temporary home.

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