Chapter Twenty One

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I fight my way through the wights killing as many as I can I dodge falling debris one of the wights tackles me to the ground as others pile on top of me I stab through as many as I can but the weight of them all begins to suffocate me I hear the sounds of screaming and one of the dragons roaring I close my eyes "I'm sorry Sansa" I say slowly accepting my death I close my eyes and wait however it doesn't come my last thoughts are the regret of the time I will have lost with the woman I love just as I embrace death I picture her in my head her auburn hair, her perfect pale skin, her cold blue eyed stare and warm smile and the way she looks at me.

I wake up with a sharp gasp of air I'm still under the pile of wights i claw my way up, I push my hand through the corpses hoping to grab onto something "over there!" I hear a familiar voice shout then someone grabs my hand and pulls me up I get pulled up to see it is now morning "(Y/N)! You're alive I can't believe it nobody could find you" Jon says "what happened?" I ask slowly adjusting "we won the Night King is defeated" Jon says "and what of the Crypts did everyone make it?" I ask Jon looks at the ground "we lost a lot of people fighting the dead but everyone in the Crypt survived" he says instantly a wave of relief hits me "we are just about to burn the dead...that's how we found you" he says as he walks of I follow who did we lose...I saw Lyanna Mormont get killed" I say "you should have seen her the little bear was braver than most of us were she sacrificed herself for the North" I say "we lost Ser Jorah Mormont to the dead he died by the side of our Queen" Jon says I bite my tongue from replying "your Queen" today is not a day for politics "and Theon Greyjoy" Jon says which causes me to stop in my tracks "how?" I ask "defending Bran" Jon replies Theon may have betrayed us but if it weren't for him Sansa and I may not have escaped Ramsay he was a hero and a true friend...and a good man.

I stand beside Sansa at the funeral pyres I never thought I'd see so many rows of corpses, Jon slowly walks in front of us and says "we are here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women. Who set aside their differences to fight together. And die together" he says as his voice breaks showing how tired he is "so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty. And our honor to keep them alive in memory. For those who come after us. And those who come after them. For as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again" Jon says as I look at Theons dead body and all I wish is that I'd told him that I forgave him. A soldier hands Jon a torch then one to Sansa, Arya, Tormund, Sam, Daenerys and greyworm, they look at the bodies of the fallen then look to each other and simultaneously light the pyres then they walk back to the line Sansa stands next to me and tries to hide the tears I hold her hand and smile at her before looking back at the pyres which are now producing large clouds of smoke I let out a heavy sigh as Sansa rests her head against mine as we comfort each other.

It is now later in the night in the hall everyone is drinking and celebrating I however sit staring at the ale not wanting to drink because even though we won I feel like we lost too many. Sansa notices this she sits by my side and says "you should be celebrating (Y/N)", "I know but I just feel like we lost too many for me to be drinking" I say "I understand that but (Y/N) you should at least have a drink with me" she says with a grin I smile "alright" I say as I raise my tankard "to the north" I say "to the north" Sansa says "to Arya the saviour" I say Sansa repeats " Theon Greyjoy" I say "to Theon Greyjoy" Sansa says as we both drink we then spend the rest of the night watching everyone celebrate however we both notice an odd look in the eyes of Daenerys and that leaves us both very suspicious of her as she gets up and walks away.

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