Chapter Fifteen

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After Jon leaves Sansa in charge Petyr Baelish tries to manipulate her again I don't know why I haven't killed him yet I look up at him from across the courtyard with rage "(Y/N) calm down he will get what he deserves soon" she says "how could you-?" I ask "I've known you long enough to know when you are angry" she says "trust me he will pay for what he done" she says as she puts her hand on my face "okay I trust you" I say with a smile "open the gate!" Someone yells which catches our attention "who could this be?" I ask "I don't know" Sansa replies. The gates open to reveal a woman driving a cart she brings the cart in which shows another passenger a man around eighteen name days old he looks at us "does he look familiar to you?" I ask Sansa as she walks up "Bran?" She says as she tears up "hello Sansa" he says in a monotone voice, Sansa then hugs her brother that she thought was dead.

Sansa and Bran sit by the weirwood tree whilst I sit a little further away too let them talk "you are father's last living true born son Bran, you are the rightful lord of Winterfell" Sansa says "I can't be the lord of Winterfel. I can never be lord of anything. I'm the three-eyed raven" Bran replies "I don't know what that means" Sansa says "it is difficult to explain" he says "try please, for me" she says "it means I can see everything that ever happened to everyone, everything that is happening right now. It's all pieces, fragments I need to learn to see better for the when the long night comes again I need to be ready" he says "how do you know?" Sansa asks "the three-eyed raven taught me" he replies "I thought you were the three-eyed raven" she says "I told you it's difficult to explain" he says "I'm sorry for all that's happened to you, I'm sorry that it had to happen here in our own home. It was so beautiful that night snowing like it is now and you were so beautiful in your white wedding dress" he says "why would he remind her of that?" I ask myself "I have to get back inside Bran" Sansa says as she gets up "I'll stay a little longer" he says as Sansa walks away "are you okay?" I ask she smiles "yes I'll be fine" she replies, she kisses my cheek then leaves. I walk up to him "hello (Y/N)" he says "hello Bran it's been a long time" I say "You protected my sister with all of your strength, you were tortured by Ramsay Bolton for her thank you" he says "you don't need to thank me I would do it all again" I say "you both love each other...never let that go" Bran says.

I walk around Winterfell to look for Sansa it looks like she's talking with Lord Baelish and she isn't happy I come within earshot of the two "no need to reply Lord Baelish I'll assume it was something clever" I hear her say Baelish walks away and Sansa turns to me we smile at each other then hug in front of everyone. I'm currently on my way to the old training grounds when I get there I see Brienne and Podrick training I walk up to them "hello you two" I say loudly catching their attention "hello it's good to see you haven't frozen to death" Brienne jokes "I never did thank you for saving us both...if you hadn't shown up when you did those Bolton men would have killed me...and took Sansa back to that monster" I say "you don't need to thank us" Brienne says as I grab my sword and hit a training dummy repeatedly with a familiar feeling that I am being watched I turn to see Lord Baelish watching me he notices that I can see him so as a warning i swing my sword and decapitate the dummy it flies in the air I turn to face Lord Baelish and I point my sword at him with a threatening stare.

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