Chapter one

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(Y/N) p.o.v

I get up and get dressed before walking outside into the Winterfell courtyard to see Bran learning how to shoot a bow with Jon and Robb, I walk behind them and watch as he misses his first shot he tries again and misses the three of us laugh as Bran gets another arrow and prepares to fire again but before he can fire an arrow lands right in the centre of the target we look back in shock to see Arya standing holding a bow she mockingly bows and runs off as Bran chases after her which causes us to laugh I look up to see Lord Stark and Lady Stark watching us before turning their attention to Ser Rodrik I try to listen to what they're saying but all I hear is "Nights Watch....tell the boys to get their horses" from Lord Stark I immediately get to my horse and signal for the other Stark boys to do the same.

We have caught up to the deserter and he is now being led to a place where he will be executed I stand next to Bran as we watch Lord Stark talk to the man who ran away from the Nights Watch he is trying to convince Lord Stark that he saw white walkers however he doesn't believe him the man kneels and places his head against the log "In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon first of his name" Lord Stark says "Don't look away father will know if you do" Jon says to Bran "King of the Andels and the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm I, Eddard of house Stark Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North sentence you to die" he says before swinging his Valyrian steel sword down on the neck of the deserter which causes his head to leave his shoulders "you done well" Jon says to Bran before he mounts his horse, I walk with Bran to our horses just as Lord Stark "do you know why I had to execute him?" He asks his son "because our way is the old way" Bran says as he looks his father in the eyes "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" he says before leaves to get his horse.

On the way back we come across a dead stag it's guts were ripped out and a pool of blood surrounds the dead animal "ah the smell!" I say as Robb and Jon nod "it's horrible" Robb says as Lord Stark inspects the corpse "a large predator did this we should look around to find it" he says as we turn around to look for the large animal. Eventually we find ourselves by a river and by it we find the corpse of a large wolf "fuck that's a large wolf" I say as Robb and Theon laughs as Lord Stark glares at me and says "it's a direwolf", "there are no other direwolves south of the wall" Robb says "now there are five" Jon replies "do you want to hold it?" He says as he hands one of the direwolf pup to Bran "they won't last long without their mother give them a quick death" he says as "right give it here" theon says as he grabs the wolf and points a dagger at it as Bran yells for him not to "stay your blade" Robb says "I take orders from your father not from you", "please father" Bran begs "I'm sorry Bran", "Lord Stark the direwolf is the sigil of your house there are five pups one for each of the Stark children they were meant to have them" Jon says to Lord Stark, eventually he gives in and says "you'll feed them yourselves, you'll train them yourselves and if they die you will bury them yourselves" with that I take a direwolf then pass it to Robb I then carry another one as we prepare to head back.

Once we arrive at Winterfell Sansa, Arya and Lady Stark are waiting for us after we dismount I hitch my horse and I cradle the direwolf as Lord Stark explains as the two Stark girls look in excitement Arya takes one of off Jon as I walk up to Sansa and hold out the direwolf she takes the pup from me then smiles at me I smile back, I watch as she walks away "you like my sister (Y/N)?" Robb says which startles me "what! No!" I reply as he laughs he puts a hand on my shoulder and says "it's alright (Y/N) though I wouldn't let my father find out for your sake" he says as he walks away.

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