Chapter Twenty Six

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It has been two months since Jon and Arya left and Sansa and I returned to Winterfell.  In our absence the defences have all been fully repaired we ride past houses full of people cheering for us as we enter through the gates we dismount our horses and hitch them in the stables as a maester informs Sansa on what has happened since we left which is nothing except from the defences being repaired "I would like to talk to private" I whisper to Sansa who nods and walks to our room as I follow behind her.  I close the door behind me "what is it (Y/N)? What did you want to talk to me about?" She asks "okay...okay here's what I wanted to ask...I was wondering if...if" I say nervously "(Y/N) calm down and try again" she says with a smile "ever since I met you I knew that I was in love with you I spent years suppressing it until I finally accepted it.  I came to the idea that you would not feel the same way so I instead done whatever I could to protect you which I failed to do...but in that time the one secret I ever hid was out and you knew how I felt and I dreaded seeing that look in your eye that said "I'm sorry" but It never happened, then we kissed" I say as I hold her hands "ever since we began our relationship I always saw a life with you outside of war and it all relied on one question...and now that day has finally come and I have scrounged up the courage to ask you this" I say as I get on one knee "Sansa Stark will you be my wife?" I ask as we both lock eyes a look of disbelief and joy shows on her face "yes" she answers before throwing herself into my arms, we passionately kiss and hold each other.

Timeskip 1 day

I stand by the side of a large wooden chair with wolf heads carved on the top of them as I wait for Sansa to walk round that door as today is the day that she is crowned Queen in the North.  Eventually she walks through the door in a grey dress with many complex patterns and a dark cloak everyone kneels as she walks past she steps up to the chair and gives a small smile at me before sitting down.  The maester places a silver crown in the shape of two wolf heads on her head "The Queen in the North!" Lord Glover yells as he draws his sword and raises it in the air, everyone else does the same "The Queen in the North!, The Queen in the North!, The Queen in the North!" The northmen chant as Sansa looks over everyone with pride.

Timeskip one month

I stand in the godswood waiting for Sansa with a few guests from northern houses eventually she walks down with Bran by her side in his chair "who comes before the old gods this night?" The septon asks "Sansa, of the House Stark, comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Bran says "(Y/N) of house (L/N).  Who gives her?" I say "Brandon of house Stark, second son of Eddard Stark, her brother and the King of the six kingdoms" Bran says "Queen Sansa, do you take this man?" The septon asks "I take this man" she says which now in the eyes of the old gods makes us married I walk up to her and kiss her before we walk off followed by our guests carrying torches.  Sansa and I walk into our room and look at each other "well we are married" Sansa says happily "yes we are" I say as we smile at each other, we then throw ourselves at each other we kiss as we pull on each other's clothes I take off her dress as she takes off my shirt we break apart for air as we press our foreheads against each other Sansa puts both her hands on my chest as I put mine on her face "this is perfect" I say "if I could stay in this room for the rest of my life with you I would" Sansa says "you and I will rule the North and make it a better place for all who live in the north" she says "we?" I say "yes (Y/N) we, by marrying me you have become the King in the North...and someday our children will rule when we are gone" she says "that sounds amazing" I say as we walk to the bed Sansa lies down on her back and smiles at me as I take off the rest of my clothes as I get onto the bed as we spend the night consummating our marriage.

I wake up the next morning lying on my side facing my beautiful wife who is still asleep I get up and put on some clothes and walk outside and immediately I am met with the stares of soldiers I walk down the steps to see Bran getting ready to leave I walk up to him "your grace...must you leave so soon?" I ask as a member of the Kingsguard turns him around "I'm afraid I must there are matters I must tend to back in Kings Landing" he says "very well I wish you a safe journey" I say "thank you...keep her safe (Y/N) you have no idea how much you both mean to each other" he says as he gets pushed away, I watch as they leave I then turn around to see Sansa standing by the door smiling at me I smile back and it is in this moment that I realise that I have everything I have ever wanted from the age of thirteen, the girl I love looking at me with her amazing smile as her hair slightly blows in the wind, knowing who my parents were and that they both didn't hate me and leave me too die and a safe home where I know I am welcome and I know that I belong.  I am (Y/N) (L/N) son of (F/N) and (M/N) (L/N) ward of Eddard Stark, husband of the Queen in the North Sansa Stark and King in the North.

The end

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