Chapter Five

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Sansa and I walk into the Eyrie behind Lord Baelish I stand next to Sansa as Lyssa Arryn runs down to greet him before turning her attention to Sansa the two hug as this is their first time meeting "hello aunt lyssa it's wonderful to finally meet you" Sansa says "you must not call me that in front of others" Lyssa says "oh I know" Sansa replies. Lyssa then turns her attention to me "and who are you?" She asks "I am (Y/N) (L/N) i was Lord Starks ward before he died and now I am Sansa's protector" I say whilst Sansa talks to her cousin Robin Arryn "well then you are more than welcome" Lyssa says, Lord Baelish escorts Sansa and I to our own rooms mine is small with a wooden bed next to a small wooden cabinet with a candle on it, I at first try to sleep however my peaceful night is stopped by some questionable sounds so I get up and sit on the edge of my bed I look at my sword and all I can think of is Lord Stark being executed "If I can't kill Joffrey then I can kill the other person responsible for Lord Starks death, Cersei Lannister will die in the most painful way possible" I say.

Timeskip 1 month

It is snowing in the Eyrie I walk out into the garden to see Sansa sitting there molding the snow into what looks like Winterfell it's the first time I've seen her smile since we got here she sits back and stares at the sculpture as snow slowly falls on her hair, however it is all ruined when Robin walks up and begins talking to her he points to the sculpture then says something before pushing it over. He then runs off I slowly walk down to her then I see Petyr talking to her they are sitting on a bench facing away from me I can't hear what they are saying however I get a good enough idea when I see Petyr kiss Sansa "you are dead" I say to myself I walk round behind a wall as I wait for him to come inside. I hear the slow sound of footsteps approaching once I know it is him I grab him by the collar and slam him into the wall I raise my fist "what is your game little finger?" I whisper "was this your plan all along bring Sansa here and what seduce her? You scum!" I say as he struggles to reply "I know what game you play however if I see you lay a hand on her again I will through you out the moon door myself" I say without blinking he doesn't reply "now fuck off before I change my mind" I say before he walks away, I lean against the wall and cover my face "ah (Y/N) now you're threatening people for her" I say to myself.

Timeskip 1 day

I wake up the next day and I hear shouting I quickly get dressed I grab my sword and run downstairs I go to the where the sound is coming from and what I see is Lyssa trying to push Sansa out the moon door "let her go!" I yell which catches her attention "no she will take him from me if I let her!" Lyssa shouts "who?" I ask "Petyr, the little whore kissed him!" She yells "no I didn't! I didn't kiss him (Y/N) please help me!" Sansa begs "let her go now!" I yell as I draw my sword and point it at her "no, no I can't I won't let her take him!", "Lyssa let her go" Petyr yells catching her attention "I can't let her Petyr I won't let her take you from me!!!" She yells as Sansa begins to cry loudly "let her go" he says "I lied for you I killed for you I betrayed my sister for you!" Lyssa says as she gives up and let's Sansa go I run up to her as she leaps forward and hugs me as she cries in my arms "all my life I have only ever loved one woman" Petyr says to Lyssa as she stops yelling and a light smile appears on her face "your sister" he says as he pushes her out the moon door.

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