Chapter sixteen

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I wake up with Sansa holding onto my side I slowly get up and dressed I then enter the courtyard I watch as our supplies come in then I overhear two guards yelling at someone.  I walk down to the both of them "what is going on?!" I ask as I look towards the stranger she seem so familiar "nothing this girl here is just being a lying bitch" one of the guards say "(Y/N)?" She says "Arya?" I say as I look at the guards in anger "you fucking idiot's this IS Arya Stark" I say as they look down in embarrassment "come in Arya I will go get Sansa" I say as she stands in the middle of the courtyard.  I quickly walk up to our room I open the door to see Sansa getting dressed "good your awake" I say "what is it?" She asks "Arya is alive and she is outside right now" I say, Sansa's eyes widen she gets up and runs outside to see no one standing their "she was right there!" I say as we both look confused until Sansa realises where she is "I know where she is I'll be back" she says with a smile before walking away to find her sister.

After an hour at least the two walk through Winterfell as I stand by the training grounds I practice my sword strikes until Arya walks up to me "I heard about what you done for my sister thank you" she says "you don't need to thank" I say "yes I do my sister might not have got back if you hadn't helped her" she says as I sheathe my sword "she would have she is stronger than she thinks" I say with a smile as she walks away I look up to see Sansa smiling until Little finger walks up to her side and says something to her as Arya prepares to spar with Brienne.  After Arya and Brienne spar Sansa looks in shock he says something before leaving I walk up to Sansa "well is he falling for it?" I ask "yes he believes he has me thinking that Arya is here to kill me for betraying our father and so she can become Lady of Winterfell but we need more evidence Arya is going to spy on him and look for any evidence" she says as we both watch him walk away "he has underestimated the three of you" I say "exactly he doesn't realise that Arya has never wanted to be a lady and that Bran has seen everything he has done" she says before turning to me "and it's the four of us he underestimated you, me, Arya and Bran all have what it takes to beat him at his own game" Sansa then kisses me before looking and smiling at her sister who nods in response.

Timeskip 1 day

Everyone has gathered in the hall for Arya's "trial" the soldiers stand on all sides of the hall whilst Arya stands in front of Sansa and I as littlefinger watches "are you sure you want to do this?" Arya asks "I must protect the north and house Stark" Sansa replies "very well get on with it" she says "you stand accused of murder.  You stand accused of treason how do you answer these crimes" Sansa says as her eyes turn in the direction of littlefinger "Lord Baelish" everyone faces the accused "forgive me Lady Sansa but I'm confused" he says as he steps forward with a glint of surprise on his face "which accusations confuse you let's start with the simplest one you murdered Lyssa Arryn by pushing her out the moon door there are three witnesses here do you deny it?" Sansa says as she sits forward Baelish goes quiet "my sister asked you a question" Arya says "I did it to protect you" he says "there was only one person who was there that was protecting me and he is sitting right next to me!" Sansa says "you did it to secure power in the vale" she says not allowing him to respond "you gave Lyssa Arryn Tears of Lys to murder Jon Arryn do you deny it?" Sansa says "whatever your aunt might have told you d
She was a troubled woman she imagined enemies everywhere" Baelish responds "you then had her send a letter to my mother claiming that the Lannisters murdered Jon Arryn which resulted in events that led to The War of the Five Kings.  You then conspired with Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon to betray my father which led to his imprisonment and later execution on false allegations of treason!  Do you deny it!" Sansa says clearly angry at the man "I deny it, none of you were there none of you know the truth" he says "you held a knife to his throat" Bran says catching littlefinger off guard "you said I did warn you not to trust me" he says with that Arya draws the Valyrian steel dagger that Bran had been given by littlefinger "you told our mother this knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister but that was another lie it belonged to you" she says Baelish falls to his knees "Sansa please I have known you since you were a little girl I have always protected you" he says "you sold me to the Boltons" Sansa retaliates "if we could speak alone and clear all this up?" Baelish asks "sometimes when I'm trying to understand a person's motives I play a little game" Sansa says repeating littlefingers own words "I assume the worst.  What's the worst reason you have for turning me against my sister.  That is what you do isn't it? That's what you've always done turned family against family, sister against sister it's what you done to our mother and aunt Lyssa and it's what you tried to do to us" she says "Sansa please" Baelish says "I'm a slow learner it's true...but I learn" she says "give me a chance to defend myself" Lord Baelish asks "I deserve that" he says Sansa leans back knowing he has no defence "I am Lord protector of the Vale and I command that you escort me back Eyrie" he says to one of the men in panic "I think not" the man replies.  Lord Baelish looks around then drops to his knees "Sansa I beg you, I loved your mother since the time I was a boy" he says "and yet you betrayed her" she coldly replies "I loved you...more than anyone" he says as tears fall from his eyes "and yet you betrayed me" she says "when you brought me back to Winterfell you told me there is no justice in the world not unless we make it" she replies as she stands up she looks at Arya and nods "thank you for all your many lessons Lord Baelish...I will never forget them" Sansa says and before he can utter another word Arya slits his throat and we watch as blood pours out his mouth and neck as he slowly dies on the cold stone floor.

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