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Ned Stark p.o.v

I ride through an old village with wooden walls and snow covering the roofs. The people living their are old and sick one of them slowly walks up to me and says "please m'lord there is a family with a little boy no older than six help him please" he says weakly, I nod before riding up to the house. I dismount and slowly walk in to see a elderly man and a woman lying on the ground breathing slowly I kneel down to them "please help my grandson m'lord his parents were killed when he was born and if he stays here I'm afraid he might not survive" the old man says "very well I'll take him with me" I reply he points to the stairs. I walk up the stairs and I notice two beds and on one a small boy with long (h/c) he is very skinny and balled up against the wall shaking, I walk up to him "hello there my name is Eddard Stark what's yours?" I ask to get his attention "my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" he says "you must be starving" I say as he nods "I am m'lord I'm hungry, cold and tired" he responds "then how would you like to come with me back to Winterfell and become my ward?" I ask, his eyes widen "I would be very grateful" he says "come then" I say as he slowly gets up and walks downstairs where I start to hear him cry I go to him and see him staring at his grandparents who are now lying dead I place a hand on his shoulder and guide him outside and on to a horse "Ser Rodrik see that the boys family is buried whilst I take him to Winterfell" I say as Ser Rodrik nods and dismounts as I mount my horse and lead (Y/N) to Winterfell.

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