Scenes that I was too stupid to think of until much later

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(Y/N) pov

Sansa and I sit in the hall as the lords shout out complaints....mainly about me "he is a lowborn! He doesn't have any right to the title!" One lord shouts out "he has no knowledge of the north" he calls out "that is incorrect my Lords, you may have forgotten this but (Y/N) was the second ward of my father before he died my father trusted him enough to have him taught how to read and write just as he did for his own children...furthermore he fought in the battle of the bastards and led the charge with Jon well as the that he was the one who took down Ramsay Bolton and he is my husband a man I trust with my life because I know that he is a man of honour" Sansa says before taking my hand the lords still don't sound convinced so I stand up "my lords I have listened to what you have to say about me and it is no secret that I'm not from a noble family but I have been trained as if I were. When I was six Ned Stark took me in as his ward and introduced me to my family and my future wife, he helped make me who I am. It is true that I fought in the battle of the bastards some of you were there with me, it is true that I took down Ramsay Bolton and returned Winterfell and the North to the Starks" I say "you say things that we have already heard from Queen Sansa have you nothing to say other than what your wife may have written down for you" a lord calls out "...very well" I say "during the battle of Winterfell against the Night King you all fought by the plans of everyone at that meeting me, Sansa, Jon, Arya, Theon Greyjoy and Daenerys least that is what we told truth the battle plans were mine" I say which causes the crowd to stir "I improved the plan that Daenerys and her people ordered us to carry out which would have resulted in more lives being sacrificed than necessary" I say obviously it doesn't make me happy to use the mistakes of others to my advantage but...she's dead so it's not like she can do anything. From the crowd an old lord stands up "I saw the strategy and I saw how many lives it saved...including the life of my son...if what you say is true and judging by the words of Queen Sansa you are telling the truth...I trust that (Y/N) (L/N) can be trusted to lead us along with his wife" he says before drawing his sword "THE KING IN THE NORTH!" he yells "THE KING IN THE NORTH!" Another lord yells all of a sudden they all draw their swords and kneel "THE KING IN THE NORTH!", "THE KING IN THE NORTH!", "THE KING IN THE NORTH!".

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