Chapter Three

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I am currently riding my horse next to Lord Stark and Jon as we are on our way to Kings Landing we get to the crossroads when Lord Stark says "(Y/N) ride beside the carriage that Sansa and Arya are in", "as you wish m'lord" I say before turning and speeding up to catch up to the carriage. I ride alongside the carriage when I hear "what are you doing?" Coming from the carriage I look to see Sansa looking at me as Arya looks around impatiently "your father instructed me to ride alongside you both for the rest of the journey" I say "why?" She asks "to stop you two from killing each other after the incident last night" I say "none of it would've happened if you hadn't lied to father!" Arya yells at Sansa "you attacked Joffrey and done nothing whilst nymeria attacked him!" Sansa yells back "enough! Both of you!" I say with that the two go silent as I shake my head.

After an hour of travelling we finally arrive in the capital the carriage stops outside the red keep, I dismount my horse and open the carriage door. I help Arya jump down then I held out my hand for Sansa as she steps down "thank you (Y/N)" she says as she smiles at me while Lord Stark walks up behind us "come, the King is waiting for us" he says as Sansa looks away from him in anger for having to kill her direwolf. He walks towards the red keep as Arya and Sansa follow with me following behind them. Once we arrive in the red keep Lord Stark orders me to escort the girls to where they will be staying so I do just that I take Arya to her room as I ignore the arguments that the two girls are having, then I take Sansa into her room where she immediately starts ranting about her father and sister "she is so annoying and a liar and my father takes her side then he kills lady!" She shouts "he wouldn't have had to if you had told the truth about what happened with the butcher's boy" I blatantly say "what do you mean?" She asks "well if you hadn't lied to your father about why nymeria attacked Joffrey that he attacked your sister and the butcher's boy while you stood by and done nothing then lied in front of your family and the King, all for your precious Joffrey" I say as Sansa looks at me with shame "how do you know that?" She asks " I didn't until you just confirmed it for me" I say with a grin as Sansa looks in surprise as I back out of the door.

Timeskip 1 week

Everything has gone wrong the King is dead and Joffrey has been appointed as the new king, Lord Stark has been arrested for treason which i know is a lie but there is nothing I can do to stop it. I'm currently standing in the crowd in front of Lord Starks public trial the sound of the citizens yelling blocks out the words coming from Joffrey's mouth however my attention turns to Sansa standing next to Cersei Lannister "my mother wishes I let Lord Eddard join the Nights Watch stripped of all titles he would serve as a protector of the realm and my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father, but they have the soft hearts of women so as long as I am your king treason shall not go unpunished ser Illyn bring me his head!" Joffrey commands whilst Sansa cries out for him not to do it as I try to push through the crowd until I'm stopped by one of Lord Starks friends who also stops Arya from getting to her father I desperately try to push past as the sound of Sansa crying drowns out the sound of the crowd cheering, I watch as the executioner draws Lord Starks Valyrian steel sword and uses it to take off his head as everything goes silent.

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