Chapter Eleven

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It has been three days since we arrived in Castle Black and yesterday we met with Ramsay, Jon wanted to suggest one on one combat between him and Ramsay but he wouldn't agree to that as far as he knows he has the larger army and unless we receive any support he will have enough forces to whipe us out.  Jon and I are just about to mount our horses when Sansa runs up to me she grabs me in a hug then says "come back to me" as she looks into my eyes "I promise" I say before kissing her with that I mount my horse alongside Jon and we march our army out towards Winterfell as The Battle of the Bastards is about to begin.  "(Y/N) what did Ramsay do to you both?" Jon asks I sigh then I tell him "he carved Sansa's name into my chest then told her that I was in love with her then...." I say "he raped her in front of me" I continue "he made sure I watched saying things like "would you still love her if she had my child?" Or "I bet you wish this was you getting to do this?" He tormented her and for that I am going to kill him" I say as Jon has gone silent as we have now reached Winterfell and waiting for us across the large field is a large army as burning crosses are seen from their side of the field a Bolton banner flies in the air as Jon and I stand in front of our army as slowly a small figure in the distance can be seen riding to the front of the army "that must be Ramsay" I say "but he has someone tied up behind looks like-", "Rickon" Jon says.

Jon and I watch in horror as Ramsay raises a knife in the air I brace myself to watch another Stark die but instead Ramsay cuts the rope around Rickons wrists he then says something to Rickon as he pushes him forward "what are you playing at Ramsay?" I say.  Rickon starts running and before I know it Jon gets on his horse and rides towards his brother at full speed I immediately follow behind him I slowly catch up until Jon stops when an arrow flies Into Rickons back and out through his chest he falls to the ground "fuck!" I shout as Jon stares at Ramsay with rage he charges forward "dammit Jon if I have to save your ass!" I say as I follow him the Bolton army aims there bows at us and fires killing our horses and throwing us forward we then get up to see men on horses charging at us Jon draws his sword and I do the same I stand by his side and prepare for the attack "if this is the end then it was an honour to know you Jon Snow" I say "the honour has been mine (Y/N) (L/N) we raise our swords to kill as many as we can when from behind us our army clashes with theirs.  I dodge people on horses I block and parry attacks from all angles one Bolton soldier runs at me he thrusts his sword forward so I side-step and swing my sword into his neck I then moved up to hear more sounds and screaming then an arrow narrowly misses me the Bolton army is firing on his own men I grab one Bolton soldiers and toss him into another as the two fall over I stab both of them with my sword before ducking a sword swing from a horse rider.  After painful fighting Ramsay has us cornered against a huge pile of bodies and Bolton shield and spearmen they close in killing a few of us each time I look over to Jon who like me is covered in mud and blood we both seem to think that this is the end that we have lost however the sound of a horn can be heard approaching I look over to see a army carrying the banner of house Arryn they charge in and break the shield barrier leaving an opening for us to escape Jon and I push forward with the aid of a red haired man with a large beard and a giant I look over in the distance to see Lord Baelish on a horse next to Sansa who even from this distance I can tell is smiling I then turn around to see Ramsay riding off towards Winterfell I run after him with Jon right behind me.

The giant starts breaking down the wooden door separating me from the man who tormented Sansa for long enough will soon have nowhere to run.  As if on cue the giant breaks through the door and the only people there is tired soldiers who surrender I look around for Ramsay then all of a sudden an arrow flies into the giant's eye killing it, I look to see where the arrow came from and there standing at the other end of the courtyard looks around and notices he is outnumbered "you mentioned something about one on one combat...well I've reconsidered and that sounds like a lovely idea" he says as I throw down my sword and pick up a shield I block one shot from Ramsay as I walk closer to him he tries again and hits the shield then desperately he fires again only for the arrow to be stopped by the shield again, I knock the bow out of his hands before sending him to the ground I beat him to the ground repeatedly throwing punches to his face which all land he begins laughing as his nose and mouth start bleeding but even then I don't stop I viciously punch his face left and right the only thing that stops me is Sansa looking at me as if to beg for me to I do I get up and let him be dragged off as the Bolton banners drop and replaced by the Stark banners

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