Chapter Ten

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We are currently halfway to Castle Black and I am freezing I left Winterfell wearing a light shirt and trousers which are now soaked, Brienne offered a large fur cover however I told her to give it to Sansa who is now sitting in front of me on the horse I start shivering which Sansa notices "(Y/N) you're freezing!" She says "I'm....fine" I say as I start losing consciousness "we need to stop! Get a fire" Sansa says "it will be quicker if we keep moving" Brienne replies "he won't survive if we keep going" Sansa says Podrick looks back then says "my lady surely we can stop for a few hours?" Brienne looks at me sighs then nods Brienne starts a fire while Podrick hitches horses to trees as Sansa lies me down next to the fire, puts the fur cover over me then  sits next to me.  I curl up by the fire and I watch as Sansa stares into the flames her beautiful blue eyes fixed on the burning wood she turns to look at me and smiles "you should rest (Y/N)" she  says as she puts a hand on my face "so should you" I say smiling back at her "well then how about this" she says as she lies down next to me "I'll sleep if you do" she says as she puts a hand on my chest "alright" I say as I put a hand on her side, she climbs up and lies down on my chest and we slowly fall asleep.

I slowly wake up feeling a lot better yesterday my chest is not as sore and my temperature has raised however that will be due to sleeping next to Sansa who is still lying asleep on my chest Brienne slowly walks to my side "sorry to disturb you but we must go now it is less than two hours to Castle Black" she says I gently wake up Sansa, her eyes slowly open and immediately fix on me she smiles before kissing me she stands up.  We waste no time and get on the horses and ride for the wall during the time Sansa and I hold hands and talk about reuniting with Jon who is now the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.

Finally we arrive outside the gates of Castle Black the gate slowly opens we ride in to the courtyard and dismount the horses I smile at Brienne and Podrick before turning round to see Sansa looking at our old friend Jon Snow the two hug each other and talk for a while I then stand next to Sansa and smile at Jon "I could have guessed that you would be with her (Y/N)" he jokes "very funny Jon" I say as Sansa hugs me Jon looks at us both "am I missing something?" He asks "we have a lot to tell you but first we need a plan for taking Winterfell back from the Boltons" Sansa says "see that my sister and (Y/N)  receive proper accommodations" Jon says with that a man of the watch leads us both to a room.  It is a large room with a table and chairs and a bed large enough for two people, Jon then walks in with fresh clothes and leather armour "this is for you" he says as he throws a pair of clothes and the leather armour he then hands Sansa fresh clothes "what happened to you two?" He asks "do you want the long version or the short version?" I ask as he goes silent "after Lord Starks death I went into hiding until I could rescue her eventually on the day Joffrey was poisoned I escorted her out of Kings Landing to the vale with her Aunt then Petyr Baelish tricked us into going to the Boltons where we were both our own way" I say looking at Sansa "I can't imagine what you went through both of you" Jon says he notices that Sansa and I don't want to talk about it so he leaves and closes the door behind us I look at the clothes and armour and decide to put them on "I'm going to change out of these clothes if you maybe want to look away" I say "alright" she replies as she faces the wall I take off my shirt and I look at the wet bandages I decide to rip them off, I can see the cuts are beginning to heal however the scars will always remind me I then take my trousers down replacing them with the fresh pair "you can look now" I say Sansa turns her head and catches a glimpse of the writing on my chest before I fasten up the shirt "it wasn't your fault" I say as I stand in front of her she looks at the ground I lift her chin so that our she looks me in the eyes "it was him and him alone" I say "I know I know" she says, she then kisses me I kiss back as I put my arms around her waist whilst she wraps her arms around my neck, I move away from her lips and down to her neck I gently kiss her neck which causes her to gasp I then sit on the bed and pull her towards me she sits on my lap and begins to take off her clothes as I do the same once she takes off her clothes I can't help but stare at her how beautiful she is her pale skin perfectly contrasts her hair and eyes, she pushes me back on the bed then climbs on me neither one of us look away however her smile stops "what's wrong?" I ask "I...I can't do it (Y/N) I'm sorry" she says as she sits on the edge of the bed "why are you sorry I understand it was too soon" I say as I put a hand on her shoulder she looks back at me and smiles "thank you" she says as I hug her the two of us lie back on the bed and sleep in each others arms.

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