Chapter Twenty Four

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After arriving in the destroyed Kings Landing we are escorted to the dragon pit I look at the destroyed Red Keep as I push Bran in his chair as Arya and Sansa walk beside us along with Gendry Baratheon, Yara Greyjoy, Robin Arryn, Sam Tarly and Edmure Tully "I can't believe she would do something like this" Sam says as she looks around "she was a Targaryen" Edmure says "what was it they say about Targaryens?" He asks "every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin and that coin will decide if they are destined for greatness or madness" I reply as we slowly enter the dragon pit, I turn Bran to face the same direction as everyone as I put his chair into place I then sit next to Sansa as we wait for Tyrions trial.

Greyworm stands by the side as a chained up Tyrion slowly walks in front of us he looks at us with a tired appearance. "Where's Jon?" Sansa asks "he is our prisoner" Greyworm says "so was Lord Tyrion they were both to be brought to this gathering" she says "we will decide what we do with our prisoners" he retorts "it is our city now" he says "if you look outside the walls of your city you will find thousands of northmen who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow is not in your best interest" she says "and you will find thousands of Unsullied who believe that it is" he says "some of you may be quick to forgive but the Ironborn are not, I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen" Yara Greyjoy says "you swore to follow a tyrant" Sansa replies calmly "she freed us from a tyrant", "and she became one herself" I say "Cersei is gone because of her and Jon Snow put a knife in her heart" Yara says "after she burned innocent people who had no say in this women, children, elderly she killed more innocent people than Cersei did when she blew up the Sept of Baelor" I say "and? Let the Unsullied give him what he deserves!" She yells at us "say another word about harming my brother and I'll cut your throat" Arya says "friends please we've been cutting each other's throats long enough" Davos says he then says a phrase in Valyrian "am I saying that properly?" He asks Greyworm doesn't respond "if it weren't for you and your men we would have lost the war with the dead this country owes you a debt we can never repay but let us try" he says as we look at him in confusion "there is land in the Reach good land the people that lived there are gone make it your own start your own house with the Unsullied as your bannermen" he says "we've had enough war thousands of you thousands of them, you know how it ends we need to find a better way" Davos says "we do not need payment...we need justice" greyworm says "so do the people of Kings Landing yet they are denied that" I say "Jon Snow cannot go free" he replies "it's not for you to decide" Tyrion says quietly "you are not here to speak!" Greyworm yells "everyone has heard enough words from you" he says "you are right" Tyrion says "and no one's any better for it, but it is not for you to decide...Jon committed his crime here his fate is for our King to decide or our Queen" he says "we do not have a King or Queen" someone says "you are the most powerful people in Westeros...choose one" Tyrion says as he looks at all of us Greyworm pauses to think then "make your Choice then" he says as we all look at each other then surprisingly Edmure Tully stands up and tries to suggest that he should be King until he is interrupted by Sansa "Uncle, sit down" she says "why just us?" Sam asks as we all look to him he stands "we represent all the great houses but whoever we choose won't just rule over Lords and Lady's...perhaps the decision of what is best for everyone should be decided by...everyone" he says nervously which catches my attention as well as Sansa's, Arya's and Brans however the other Lords dismiss this idea by laughing historically at the idea "perhaps we should ask the hounds" Edmure jokes "or my horse" another lord jokes as Sam sits down "I suppose you want the crown" Edmure assumes "Me, the imp" Tyrion says "I'm the worst choice" he says "who then?" Davos asks "...I have had nothing to do but think these last few weeks about our bloody history and the mistakes we made...what unites people? Armies?, gold?, flags?" He says then shakes his head "stories, there's nothing more powerful than a good story, nothing can stop it, no enemy can defeat it...and who has a better story...than Bran the Broken" he says looking at Bran as we all turn to look at him as he looks his usual blank expression "the boy who fell from the high tower and lived he was told he would never walk again so he learned to fly, crossed the wall, a crippled boy who became the three-eyed raven" Tyrion says "he is our memory, the keeper of all our stories the wars, weddings, births, massacres, famines our triumphs...our defeats, our past, who better to lead us to the future" he says "Bran has no interest in ruling and he can't father children" Sansa says "good, sons of kings can be cruel and stupid as you well know...his will never torment us" he says, he then turns to face Greyworm "that is the wheel our Queen wanted to break" he says "from now on rulers will not be born they will be chosen on this spot in front of the Lords and Lady's of Westeros to serve the realm".

He steps closer to Bran "I know you don't want it I know you don't care about power but I ask you now if we choose you will you wear the crown? Will you lead the seven kingdoms to the best of your abilities from this day until your last day?" Tyrion asks as we all go silent "why do you think I came all this way" Bran replies "Brandon of house Stark I say aye" Tyrion says, "aye" Sam says as he nods at Tyrion "Aye" Edmure says, "Aye" I say, "Aye" Robin Arryn says with everyone else until it gets to Sansa turns to face Bran "I love you little brother I always will and I know you will be a good king but tens of thousands of northmen fell in The Great War defending all of Westeros and those who survived have seen to much too kneel again...the North will remain an independent kingdom as it was for thousands of years" she says as I smile at her whilst the others look to Bran for his decision he looks at his sister and nods "all hail Bran the Broken first of his name King of the Andels and The First Men Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realms" Tyrion says as we all stand "All hail Bran the Broken" we say before sitting down Tyrion nods before turning to leave "Lord Tyrion" Bran calls out "you will be my hand" he says "no your grace, I don't want it" he replies "and I don't want to be King" Bran says "I don't deserve it" Tyrion says shaking his head " I thought I was wise but I wasn't, I thought I did what was right but I didn't...choose Ser Davos choose anyone else" Tyrion says desperately "I choose you" Bran says "you cannot!" Greyworm says angrily "I can I'm king" Bran replies "he is a criminal he deserves justice" Greyworm says "he just got it, he's made many terrible mistakes and he's going to spend the rest of his life fixing them" Bran says as we all face Greyworm waiting for his reply he pauses to think then he frees Tyrion from his restraints and walks away slowly everyone gets up and walks away as I smile at Sansa as she walks away I walk up to Bran "I need to ask you something" I say as Bran looks at me "very well...what do you ask of me?" he asks "it's about my parents" I say.

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